By Mary Meyer
Date: 23 November 1998

Mindless Entertainment

I have to see you tomorrow.  
There’s no avoiding that fact.  
You’ll walk through the door and expect a hug and a passionate kiss.  
How can I tell you that the thought of you touching me makes my skin crawl?  

	I remember when every day was a flurry of passion and excitement, 
and kissing you was the next best thing to heaven.  We would think up 
countless excuses to find for ourselves a few moments alone, and enwrap 
each other in the throws of desire.
				Those were my favorite times with you.

We didn’t have to talk then.  There was no confusing conversation between 
us, no hurt words or guilty glances.  
It was just us.  
You and I.  
Mindless entertainment.

It’s been months since I’ve seen you, and the confusion and pain still follow.  

Now I have to see you tomorrow.

Maybe if I let you touch me again, 
	I’ll remember how much I loved you and the sweet things you used to 
say to me as you kissed my neck.

Fine, then, kiss me.  Hold me.  Touch me.

But don’t expect me to like it.

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