By kevin urenda,
Date: 5 November 1998

it is not magic

There is no trick to self-discovery
there is only the knowledge that
I will never understand all that
there is to know, and this is just the start.
My journey must take me to the
hearts and minds of others
They will be my looking glass
and well spring of knowledge,
faith, hope and love.  I see
all humanity reflected there
I see my humanity in the reflection
Every day there is an excitement
at the newness of life, the newness
of discovery, the understanding
that there will forever be more
that needs to be understood.
This is the crux, the lure, the
point of living - not knowing
what happens next.  Not just this,
the point is also in retaining that 
sense of wonder, of awe,
uneasy expectation: I can’t wait
to find out.


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