By Isabella Aria (
Date: 21 January 1998
My Captain
Sigh, sweet silent moan.
My torn soul sings his song.
Warm blades stabbing at my feet.
A bloody waveless siege
beating on my vessel of captivity.
Stained skirts dancing in the wind
Sail on my Captain, my lover, my friend.
This storm may send us to a cold iron cage.
The setting sun, he knows freedom's rage.
With your last taste of satly air,
Remember your hands through raven hair.
A single touch, that of longing fingers,
In your net, there she lives;
There she lingers.
Eyes of forests peering in your soul.
Venus fires her face brown and gold.
Breathless heaven across her lips.
Arogant flower your mind doest sip.
It is here rocks break the calm no more.
Where her body caresses your untamed shore.
Hear her love;
Our sea you've known.
Sail on my Captain, in sweet,
Sweet silent moan.
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