By Steve Soskin
Date: 15 January 1998
I came home with my dreams last night,
memories ripping away the tissues of fantasy
leaving the cold truth churning up my insides
For who are we to question what we do,
What right have I to meddle in the lives of others?
What meaning can there be in hurt?
Yes, I came home with my dreams last night
leaving love safely behind me
nestled away for another.
Love, with its warmth and caring
hidden there, breathing, animate, alive
waiting to be rekindled
but not for me.
Tears once hot, love-laden now creep icily
down a wretched torn face
scarred by love's hurts,
lines etched by responsibility
so deep as to be engrained throughout
the soul.
Oh, I came home with my dreams last night
and they were nightmares!
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