Date: 19 January 1998

Lusting After You On Laundry Day.

I imagine you...
Poised in front of the 
sterile white washing machine,
Basket of dirty clothes at your feet,
Patiently waiting for your undivided attention.
You add cerulean fabric softener to
the clear, icy water and watch
as it turns murky and cloudy.
You stare as the water swirls
to make ribbon patterns.
You pick out familiar shapes and scenes.
I imagine you...
Stooping to scoop up an armful
of dark shirts, jeans, fuzzy socks.
You pause a moment before stuffing
the bundle into the washer.
Bend to pick up an errant sock
from the cold, concrete floor, 
"tsk" your tongue in disgust.
You are there.
And I am here.
I don't have to imagine
what that feels like.

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