By Christine Capone
Date: 20 January 1998

Moonlight Cries

Hot tears
pouring down my cheeks
like falling stars from the night sky
gently caressing each curve
of my cream peach skin
dropping onto my trembling lap

Speaking of the future
dreams of life
hopes for happiness
wandering questions of the unknown
causing me to drift
into a fantastical state

Your eyes
brand into the core of my mind
penetrating my soul
piercing my heart
leaving me breathless
as I stare into the pools
of chocolate brown


moomlight walks by the ocean
I feel the heat of your body
as chill midnight breezes
over the once
summer sand

the shadows that played
on the damp porch boards
we stole a kiss before we parted
lights flickering in upstairs appartments
fear we would get caught

it all seemed so long ago
you are no longer
part of my world
forgetting the pain
will never

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