By j greer
Date: 6 December 1997

don't feel

"I know you do... but I don’t feel the same way about you" she said and time stood still.

In that millionth of a second before I spoke again my world came crashing down. The hopes and dreams that I had nursed and encouraged died an instant death.

"What had I done wrong?" I quized myself.

Replaying our whole relationship in my mind. The time we spent on the phone, the cards and letters we had exchanged, the hundreds of e-mails, the days we spent together walking and holding hands, the nights we had kissed on the beach, the hours we had spent in my bed, .

How had I made such a wild miscalulation? How had I let "those" words come out of my mouth?

How long had it been, a second, an hour? Quick... say something.

All I could muster was "Why?"

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