By Jessie Hill
Date: 16 December 1997


Open your eyes
Why can't you see?
How deeply you're hurting me..
Closing my eyes 
I see your face over and over
Why won't it stop?
Will it stop with time??
As I lay here thinking of how it would feel 
To have your hand in mine
Do you feel the same?
Pr will I ever know?
I imagine us in winter 
Making angels in the snow
And in the summer splashing in the pol 
In the fall jusmping in a pile of leaves
And in the spring dancing in the rain
Oh how I look forward to those 4 seasons of happiness
Will they ever come??
Will you ever know?
As the first season comes 
I wonder what will happen
What will come of the future?
We have the cure
To find out what fate has in store 
Then maybe you will open your eyes..
And see!!

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