By Loralie Stankunas
Date: 24 June 1998
He is a friend with a heart of gold
And he isnt really that old
He is my age but acts much wiser
Im glad that i met him
He makes my life complete
To hear from him just make my wild heart beat
One day i know ill meet him
Then it will be like always
A friend who will always understand my crazy ways
But never turns his back on me on my bad days
I promise to be a good friend and never let him down even at the end
I will stong and understanding to him like he is to me
And to view his beautiful music work
like he does my poetry
Im sure he is the best writer who ever lived
And become famous like other people did
His name i really must say
so people may praise him one day
This poem is dedicated to my on-line friend ~Rastaman~!!!!
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