By The GrungE HeaD
Date: 24 June 1998
An ode to a lover
An ode to my lover
I am happy for you to lean on me
when you are lost in your pain, at sea
I will be your shining light
to guide you through this plight
to safe through the storm
until the safety of the dawn
my love, you can count on me
whenever you need I’ll be there
any time, you need not be scared
I’ll help you, we’ll share the pain
let your tears flow, no need for shame
for my word is my honour, my honour my word
I shall never betray you, the notion absurd
my love, you can count on me
in my heart your secrets if you want you can confide
all the anguish you feel inside
for in my heart you can’t go wrong
this love for you is ever long
with deep emotions trying to break free
the only able channel, through this poem to thee
my love, you can count on me
one month of beauty, seems an eternity
lost within your mind, first time of love I only see
of memories of first encounters of sweet kisses and a of soft embrace
in a park of ever beauty, our forever place
lost in each others confiding eyes, with hypercritical hearts
showing our hearts, lover shall never be apart
for my heart is yours, now you see
my love, you can count on me
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