By Donovan Christoffer (
Date: 7 May 1998



It's never simple.  That much is true.  
But it is black and white…Its life without you.  
If there were no worries, no regrets in my mind 
there'd be no need for that special someone, my heart would be blind. 

Our first night together was something special to be shared,
By only two people whose hearts dared
To cross that line between friendship and love
But things are never simple.  That much is true

You can be so close to someone, you can hold them in your arms
and know there are right there with you.  
In that same instant the distance between two hearts can tear them in two.  
You think you know someone, but when you reflect, you don't.  
What's my favorite color, my favorite poet?  
Even if it were that simple Id know now what to do.  
But its never that simple.  That much is true.

You can want something so badly that you feel you might die.  
But when truly consider…its your heart telling you a lie.  
Without water or air we'd be nothing but dust.  
Without friendship and love, there'd be nothing but lust.  
Its your friendship I value, that above all.  Without my friend,
who can I trust?  
Things can't be that simple.  
Its not supposed to be that way.

If room is what you need, then room you shall get.  
Anything for you then, and anything for you yet.  
I may look wonderful on the outside and perfect too, 
but we all have our ugliness.  That much is true.  
No things just aren't simple.  Its not in the plan.

And confusion sets in.  
The stage is set.  
When you cry some tears, things tend to get wet. so simple, don't it?  
But life's not that simple.  Does that mean we should quit?  
In every life there has to be pain, we go on day to day, 
we're part of the chain.
No it's not simple and God knows this too.  
Its all in his plan for me,for you.

Life's a long journey, we're constantly on the move.  
Things will work out, to you, this I will prove.  
You did what you did, and I did too.  
Its up to fate now.  
Its destiny's move.
Your heart tells you the things that are right.  
Without the questions, we could sleep all night.  
You may always wonder where your path leads.  
It's going somewhere at breakneck speeds.  
Yes, life is painful and life is complex.  
You need someone to listen to your hopes and your dreams,
and when the time is right, someone to share them...a soulmate it seems.  
Things are never simple.  That much is true.  
But it is black and white though...It's life without you.      

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