By jon david moor
Date: 31 May 1998

Ode to My Dogless Barbara

in lieu of smooching a pooooo... could be doting on me.

take me on strolls
i'll pee on poles
to satisfy your longings 

oh yes i'd fetch
and not kvetch
or whine or howl or bark.

but if you care
and with me swoon,
boon!  the moon is ours.

i also lick, i have no tick!
i would your bod a-cud...

i'd be your pal,
you'd be my gal,
we'd be each other's bud...

so if you let
me be your pet,
oh pet me if you would.

for i do need you here by me
but ask one fave of thee.

i do thee beg,
don't make me beg
degrading it do be.

i'd share your bed
and in it shed
and even drool maybe.

i'd stick to ye
like flea on me


one more pledge
i'll lump in:
to show you how
i think you're wow
i'd give your leg
a humpin'.

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