By Erato
Date: 26 May 1998

"Lady" Fate

I rail against a brutal fate
Who with capricious whimsy
Taunts me with what might have been
And what I'll be denied.

A vision of a perfect love
She burned into my soul

A joy so sweet
A need so great

Oh, What exquisite torture!

She teases with sweet memories. . . . . 
A face
A smile
A voice
A touch
Not dulled by time or distance
Yet honed by need and want

I conceal from her 
A fragile hope
A dream of a fair tomorrow
I tread the edge of a bleak abyss
She smiles her mirthless smile.

She holds my life within her grasp
She's senses my rebellion

I call her bitch
She's a beguiler
A seducer and betrayer

Her moods quicksilver
Her hand so heavy
How fickle is her nature!

How can I woo this Lady Fate?
How can I load the dice?

I long to call her "Bountiful"
I'd love to call her.............."Friend."

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