By jester
Date: 14 May 1998


They were sitting in the dark.  She was looking back over the couch through the
window at the stars, vaguely aware of him speaking at her side.  She was 
pouting at something he had done and was upset because she knew she was 
pouting.  She was wondering why she stayed with him, why she put herself in a 
relationship with someone who couldn’t even tell her he loved her.  Never mind 
that she hadn’t said the words herself, that was different. And never mind that 
he made her deliriously happy, that was beside the point. “Let’s get married” 
caught her attention.  She turned to him and laughed.  “What?” “Let’s get 
married” he repeated.  “Ok,” she said, playing along, “When and where?” “Next 
month, when we go to Cancun.”  She laughed again, “Is this a proposal?”  He 
looked at her in the shadows of the starlight, and that brief glance made her 
heart beat quicken.  “You think I’m joking don’t you?”  Her laughter suddenly 
gone, she could only stare at him. “Well,” he said, “I’d better get some work 
done.” And he left the room.
and she wished that she hadn't laughed.

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