By Nelly Shmukler (
Date: 2 May 1998
My Naked Girl
Spinning spinning circles in my head
Lots of roses on the bed
A naked girl stood in the hall
A dirty mind was in the drawer.
The clouds rolled out into my eyes
A deep set mind all open wide.
My lips turned blue
And so my eyes looked down.
I shook my head to look away.
But still she stood looking at me.
A naked body with the shadow of a tree.
I miss my home.
I miss my friend.
I miss my mother I never had.
The place I loved –
The things I didn’t know, -
The things I just learned
They made me grow.
But I’m no taller than before,
Just left with scars.
I cover cover;
Cover it with my head,
I cover it with my blanket
As I lay in bed.
Look and dream of that one day.
My life will end;
Into the air my body will flow.
Those will follow, those will glow.
Never forgetting that one look
That meant it all before she spoke.
No lips were moved,
No words were said
But I knew it all was in my head.
Those dreams at night and those at day
Come to an end this special day.
I’ll make some cream and fill my pie
And lay in bed and eat it dry.
A glass of water handed to me
Will sit there still and look right through me.
I’m still that same girl I never was.
I’m still that same girl that nearly froze.
She stood there still and made a dance
A dance so cheap…
Across the fence there was a boy
Who’d pay a thousand to be next door.
And so the dance she danced for me
Was something special moving me.
Nothing could make me, who I am,
Nothing could make me smile like that dance.
And still remembering that bed of roses
Pasted on my cardboard bed
I look inside and thank this person
That I finally met.
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