By Eve
Date: 29 April 1998


Philosophers, poets, lovers...
Have said and I do believe.
That in all the world
there exist a match.
A perfect mate for each of us.

Ones true other half...
Hearts fulfillment, passions promise
Our souls mate.

One wonders if such could be true.
And if it is...
Is there a God?
Would he not make it so...
This perfect match?
Would he not make it our destiny?

Or would he let us wonder about.
Lifes cruel chance never meeting.
Never reaching our highest level.

Some, yes some, cross paths.
Few to my ears be told.
Lucky enough to find each others souls.
The mate built by design.
The perfect fit.
Conquerors of hearts potentail.

I dwell on these many a time...

Wondering if my soul lives in your eyes...
Is lifes cruel joke being played...
Or my endurance being tested?

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