By Jennifer Rutherford
Date: 30 April 1998


I hate that this is over
because now to "get over you"
I have to give up every thing we had
from the relationship

those pictures of us- gone!
shoved in a box in the farthest corner
the presents you gave me that I really like
removed from their places and shoved in the box

date souvenirs shoved in the box
old programs and tickets and the like
all the things I'd like to keep
I must forget as soon as possible

I can no longer listen to certain songs
because I chose to share them with you
ruins a song because we no longer share it
buried in the bottom of the box now

I don't want to give up the deepest parts of myself
just because we used to share them and don't any more
I hate you for forcing me to do this
cut out everything from my life that reminds me of you.

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