By Poe
Date: 4 February 1998

I Guess .. it wasn't....

I found the truth,
it's in the stars,
but the stars are in the past,
and my past is one for the books.

Truth is,
there is no truth
truth isn't part of their vocab.
Not enough room after "sex" and "more sex"

So, he lied then lied,
guess what, he lied some more.
Ungrateful, Selfish, A$$HOLE.
Sorry, hon, YOU weren't the victim.

Because I saw you, then I saw her.
I laughed at her, your EX.
I remembered every name you called her,
B!T(H, WH@R&, $LUT.

Then the truth, rushing fast at me,
like an overwhelmed river with the 
heavy rain of your lies.. and my tears.
You loved, and you loved her.

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