By Tony K (
Date: 3 April 1998

What Goes Around...

Who could have ever imagined?
I used to be immune to love.
I used to be in control.
Playing games was my thing.

Who could have guessed?
I was a master of manipulation.
I gave women what they wanted.
Heartless, I did what was required.

Who could have predicted?
I lived for myself.
I seduced and tossed them aside.
No one could sway my heart.

If I could, I'd go back and change it all.

Who could of known?
I'd be writing this crummy poetry for you.
I'd be sitting by the phone waiting for your call.
You'd be the one to capture my heart.

Who could have foreseen?
I'd be living for you.
I'd die for you.
Your love would completely consume me.

Who could have warned me?
I'd be heartbroken.
I would get a taste of my own medicine.
You would push me aside.

If I could, I'd go back and do it again.

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