By Shelie( Sheli )
Date: 7 April 1998


The day I saw you I knew you were what I wanted
I knew you had one you loved,
But there was some glimmer of hope,
I kept in my mind
That you and I would be together someday,
I looked upon you as a normal teenager
But when I got to know you 
You were something I did not expect
I have looked into your eyes
told you I love you
You said you love me too,
Once you made up your mind
It was quite hard for me to do
Things are different now, 
Although it is still hard,
I think that I may have something here
Not just a friendship
But a great relationship
Now that things are settled 
My mind asks me to ask you 
Will you ever Marry me?

This is to one whom I love this is not necessarily a proposal, 
but in a way it is. If you know what I mean.  I love you Ben.

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