By Tony K (
Date: 31 March 1998

A Plea For You To Believe

Who's playing a game?  I'm not.
Who's being manipulative?  I'm not.
I've got nothing left but truth.
I can no longer hide all my feelings.
My heart is on my sleeve.

I held my deepest feelings to myself over the years.
I never let you see a tear fall.
I was scared, confused, and imperfect.
I handled some things wrong.
A man truly in love.

These days I try to convey everything to you.
Straight from my heart. Direct from my soul.
Parts of me I hid and protected.
What I hold dearest to me, I give to you.
You discount it as worthless and untrue.

What am I to do?
Am I doing the wrong thing?
Should I return the feelings to safety deep inside me?
Once again, keep them to myself?
You'll claim I do not feel.

Catch twenty-two.  Back to square one?
No.  I can't turn back now.
So I'll continue forever and a day to show you all of my love.
Maybe over time you'll come to believe what I say is true.
No one could ever love you as much as I do and will.

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