By Angelica Irvin
Date: 23 April 1998

I Try

   I try to forget
but the memories won't fade
   I try to let go
but my mind will not release
   I try to push it away
but it's embedded in my hearts
   I try to cover it up
but it keeps on poking through
   I try to suffocat it
but it refuses to not thrive
   I try to replace it
but nothing can come close
   I try to pretend it's not there
but it laughs right in my face
   I try to suck the life out
but that only makes it stronger
   I try to see right through it
but it's pureness is too great
   I try not to answer it's questions
but it makes myself be true
   I try not to acknowledge it
but this love for you remains
   I try to force it out
but I will love you now until forever

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