By Tisiphone
Date: 5 April 1998
Things become crystal clear when I use that moment like a flashlight
& shine it over all of my excavated emotions
There's always a moment a second a picture a phrase a movement a
punch a struggle a yank into love
That makes everything around it reflect back like a cavern at the bottom of
a mineshaft
Light bounces off affection crystals and turns lust into a smiling diamond a
leering demon a screaming damsel a swift surrender into unknown depths
of longing
Left with a body imprint in my bed
A tiny scar in a public location
A memory of lips on the back of my palm
Lips that oppressed me on the opposite side from twisting lifelines across a
foreordained skinmap
Lips that caressed me without meaning to caress
I feel the weight of all the promises we never had a chance to make
I feel the weight of all the afternoons we didn't spend in childish
And of songs we never sang off-key in twisting drunken harmony
But all the weight is quite off-set
By the echo of your laugh
Which is all that remains from the transformation I never made to the
enviable role of palliative
I'm not yet a desirable butterfly, but a hopeful larva all the same
One day I'm sure that I'll hatch into something prettyfuckingamazing
And I am prepared to wait until then for you to come up to meet me in the
For I am yet hypnotized by the pattern your body made the moment I fell
in love with you
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