By Shadygirl
Date: 23 October 1998

Making Autumn

Crisp Autumn greets my skin
noisy blanket of browns and oranges
under foot. the sun only brags
about her strength once you
close your eyes. I smile at her shyness
sweet honey light
purifies my surroundings
while my mind plays
in dangerous territory
just outside the fence
of my past. unable to stop
I peer through chainlink
fingers locked on cold 
and I see you there
with me
I wish you could come to me
reach through the fence
touch my knuckles
with your lips
warm them.
the sun's confidence recedes
and autumn blows brown
spirals out of their clip
across my face
nudging my eyes open
and once again you're gone
through the fence
you've made autumn's beauty
bleak and desperate.

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