By Marla McGinley -
Date: 2 October 1998

Past Memories

I get so fearful at times
Wondering if each scene you play out with me
Another remembers in her own mind
Do you and I share anything intimate that you haven't shared before
Or will our memories slowly fade along with those of the past
The jealousy eats at me and I hate it for what it does
Yet I'm not jealous of them, more like angry with you
I hate that, I hate how helpless and angry it makes me feel
But what does one do, how does one stop
The hurting from another's past
The love I have for you is immeasurable
And I cannot imagine being completed by anyone but you
Yet will the fear and anger ever disappear
Will the tightening in my chest and throat ever go
Can I ever lie at night without being haunted
Haunted by a past that was never even directed near me
I'm so sorry for the emotions it causes me to play out
And I pray that it never causes us to pull apart
Be patient with me my love, and let us hope...
That as proven in the past, time will heal all wounds


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