By Marla McGinley -
Date: 22 October 1998

Missing You

Missing you, is it possible to ever perfect the loneliness I feel
Or will I always lie here night after night, hanging on to your lingering voice
As you plead with me for sleep, I realize the selfishness of my request
For you need your sleep and I need anything, your voice, if I can’t have your touch
So we lie, each in our own worlds, wondering what to say, for the pain causes silence
It’s always the same, I love you, I miss you, I want to kiss you, and it seems to never end
Yet do you realize I mean those words each and every time I say them, or are they lost in the essence of frequency
I sometimes wonder if it’s possible for you to know the emptiness which overcomes me in your absence
But then I remember that emptiness is as much a part of you
Oh the aching of a lonely heart, how does one soothe it without feeling the touch of their love


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