By Marla McGinley 
Date: 14 October 1998

The Proposal

We never were traditional, not from the very beginning, but then there was the proposal
Our marriage was on a whim, a wonderful one neither of us regret, but a far cry from society’s rules
For you never proposed, not in a sense, rather our wedding was a beginning of what our love had already created
So we talked and celebrated not in person, not with kisses, but in hushed whispers on the phone
You were in Georgia, I was in Texas, yet somehow we managed to promise to marry one another
And we did, I never did get that proposal you promised would come before the wedding,
Instead, you gave me the greatest gift of words on our wedding day
For you asked me on the plane after we were married, “Marla, Marry me?” and I replied with a smile and a kiss, “I already did”


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