Date: 16 October 1998


Baby, their have been a many who have come and go
Many of whom was  there for show
I have been hurt more then once and certainly twice
And each of thoes times it was not nice
Tears showerd my face and scares on my heart
Because time after time someone has  torn me apart
I vowed to neve allow that to happen again
That is when you stepped in

I gave you a hard time and you put a fight
You showed that you would hold on tight
I knocked you down with an unseen fist
You grabbed me,Held me, and gave me a kiss
I said hateful words without speaking a word
You told me you're name is not Jack,  and you're not hitting the road
I turned my back on you and made you feel less then a man
You stood tall, Firm and said Give it all you can

You made it very clear that you were not like the rest
By standing firm to all of my test
Displaying a love that was unseen to me
Believing that we were meant to be
Not running away, not giving up, after all I out you through
You said we would be together and now it is true

Baby, We have gone through our first real fight
And I hope like hell that you have not lost sight
Of the LOVE that the two of share
A LOVE that your Boys can't even compare
Yes things are hard right now for both me and you
But, Baby if we believe we will get through
We both now what it is we have to do
Remember what we have is forever because it is true

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