By Eve
Date: 5 September 1998

My Declaration

7/11/98 written 5:30am  I hiked hard, long!  To see the sunrise!
Standing on the top of my mountain!
I face east.
Looking up at the silky blue sky.
Clouds kissed pink by the dawn of a new day.

(The longest day of my life,
it is the first, of my life...without you)

I ask aloud to the heavens,
"Why God Why?"

Why did you allow me to love him so intensely!
He is my soulmate!
You know this! You made it so!
The two halves, built by design!
Pure Love.
Why God?
Why, cant I have him?
Your a crewel, unjust, merciless God!
You allowed time to take him from me!
Why God Why?

I scream, till my lungs burn...

Mind reflecting this...When a tree falls in the forest, and there is no
one there...does it make a sound! 

When a soul bleeds, does God care?

A tear burns my eyes.

I will never give up on him.
Never forget him!!
To do so, the death of my soul!

I will never heartless God!

I will keep my own faith, live by my own philosophy!

Life comes full circle! And I am due!

The first day of the rest of my life...without!

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