By Shadygirl
Date: 18 September 1998

Centrifical Force

  I lifted his head from my lap and placed it gently on the ground.
  "Hey! What are you doing?" he said, in mild annoyance, watching me lie in the field bside him.
  "Close your eyes."
  "Why?" he was still watching me as I placed my own head to rest and spread my limbs and fingers between the soft aromtic blades of grass.
  "Just do it." I said softly, soaking in the ground's summer night coolness and allowing a new darkness to envelope my body as my eyelids fell.
  A moment passed and I felt him waiting, anticipating my action, the kiss that was not coming. The fingertips that would remain in the grass.
  "Do you feel it?" I whispered.
  "What?" he said quietly.
  "The Earth. Can you feel it turning?"
  Silence followed my question. It wrapped around me and I felt the Earth throw me from her breast into the stars. A smile crept across my lips and my eyes darted, counting stars, behind closed lids.
  I heard him sigh and I fell back to Earth, and when my eyes opened, his silhouette hovered over me, closing in, until our breath met.
  "And still you amaze me." he smiled into my form and our bodies crashed.
  And when my eyes closed, the Earth was gone.

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