By by Carmen Ates
Date: 7 September 1998

God's Gift to Me

I knew he was different the very first time,
I felt the warmth of his hand as he placed it in mine.
I melted into the circle of his strong arms,
His smile won me over, along with his charms.
The sincerity of his gaze and his loving touch, 
Made me realize I needed him in my life so much.
He was a complete opposite of other men in my life,
This one I could marry and to him be a good wife.
He calms my nightmares and makes me feel secure,
With his love and support, all things I can endure.
The heat of his hands cuts through the cloth of my clothes,
I think...what a miracle, as I tingle from head to toe.
He is my husband, my lover, my very best friend.
I will love and honor him until my life's end.

to Richard

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