By Donovan Christoffer (
Date: 31 August 1998

Can we Try

Its been almost a year now
Since I last saw her
Can someone please tell me
How to get her out of my mind
Out of my heart
I talked to her on the phone yesterday
I cant remember the last time I heard her voice
So long ago
I dream of her sometimes
Those good feeling dreams
The ones that you never want to end
But they have to
And life goes on
For her it seems anyway
But she was the one that recognized my voice
When she picked up the phone
A ray of hope?
Maybe not
Is she with someone now?
It took all the courage I had to call her up
Even though she told me I should
In one of those rare e-mails
The ones you treasure and file away to read later
We were to meet this past weekend
To catch up on the past
But fate saw it differently
She couldn't find the place I was at
My schedule was too full
A foreshadowing of the future
I would change my life to have it work out between us

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