By Lisa Rodriguez
Date: 20 March 1999
Cinderella I Was
I miss seeing your gorgeous face, your eyes so blue, your warm embrace.
Dancing all aroung those lights, holding you so close to me, all though the night
Smiles would be glanced to the music we would dance.
Cinderella I Was.
Curly Colored Hair, so soft but thick in my hands, dance after dance.
I Miss You so much, your eyes, your hair and your touch.
People would look, and people would stare, but you and I danced and we didn't care.
Theyd ask who you were, and I'd say "a dream", and you were a dream, that came to me.
Cinderella I Was.
Slow Dance, Fast Dance, this was My Night, My Moment, My Chance.
You Came to Me, and I to You. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. I know I should have kissed you.
As All those Dances has Ended, You and I were still Standing so Close, Not Caring.
The cool air hit me as I hurried outside to run away, I lost my only shoe that day.
Cinderella I Surely Was. Good Bye, Good Night. I will Miss You my Sweet Caleb.
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