Date: 4 March 1999

Ode to Love and the Pain of love

Love is Hard
You look up and down till you find it
then you lose it again

Love is great
there may be no better felling

Love is evil
man the things we will do for it
friends, brother, and sisters fighting for love

Love is mysterious
it comes sometimes for no reason
but we let it fill us

Love is cold
when the love is gone every on suffers

Love is everything
without we are nothing

Love is awsome
it makes want to get up in the morning

Love is The Core of us
it is what makes us up
without it what do we have

Love is painful
when it leaves
we don't want it to go

Love is a dare
we do things when we are in love
that any other time we wouldn't

Love is gone the next secound
there is no guarantee that love from you 
will be returned

Love is the best

Love is the worset

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