By sinneD
Date: 4 July 1999
caught the glitter in your eyes when they met mine
they sparkled like an oasis in the midst of a city like a desert
I drunk from it the comfort of a thousand lullabyes
sung to a soul weary of the din and clatter of this Earth
time slowed to a crawl for that brief supernova
and I fed on the enormous energy released in the air
twenty four years of strength lost in aimless adventures
replenished in a second by the star-like quality of your stare
this instant addiction anchored my eyes to your eyes
like a ship unmoved in a sea made stormy by people passing by
though waves of fair maidens were rolling before you arrived
none moved me then the very minute you caught my eye
and as the universe resumed dancing normally its dance again
and people, cars, and buildings once more became a part of the view
I saved the glitter in my mind for use on a cloudy day
now a part of the many things that lit my life with you...
for Cosette
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