By Dream Angel
Date: 23 July 1999
What Would You Do If I Said I Love You?
Standing here with you,
Face to face with my dream come true
I need to tell you...
The words don't come easy,
And I've no clue where to begin.
What if I start
By "I know we're best friends..."
No that would sound lame,
But then again; it's all the same.
Or I could say...
There's something I need to tell you
But I don't know where to start,
Maybe I'll start
By letting you know you stole my heart.
If I told you the truth,
Would you accept it and go on?
Or would you be offended
And hate me 'til the day I'm gone?
But you see I'm quite confused
And I seem to have fallen
Deeply in love with you!
If I said that
You'd probably think I were stupid
Just because
I've had a close encounter with Cupid!
Maybe I shouldn't tell you at all
Not even clue you in
On my great fall
And go on forever dreaming of you
Never knowing just what you'd do
If I ever said...
"I love you!"
Dream Angel
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