By Angel
Date: 10 July 1999
The Gift of Love
In his eyes, she glides
like a phoenix across the sky
not merely existing, but shining bright
leaving a trail of love on the darkest night
Oh, what a sight to behold!
Un-fettered by earthly needs
she soars above this world he holds
And she spreads her love over him
like a warm coat on a frosty night
enveloping him in this magic she knows
so he can know too
the wonderous way love can make you glow
And he smiles her way as if to say
"Thank you, for being here."
But she already knows
and she dips once more into the starry night
with more love to bestow
As she brushes by each star, they ignite
and twinkle back down at him so bright
as if to say, "I need you too;
For, love cannot survive without a dream
and now your dreams are real like me,
pure and un-fettered too
...the way a dreamy love should be."
He lifts his face and swipes at a tear
moonbeams wash over him
and he knows she is near
because of the love he feels
and does not hide
His eyes follow her in the night
as she flits about to his delight
featherweight and so fragile too
He reaches up with his hand touch her would be so grand
Yet, she winks and flutters thru
But before she goes, she'll kiss the wind
and watch him as he breathes it in
inhaling love deep inside
Then she'll plant a star into his eyes
fill up the space right by his side
with her...
the one that will make that star shine
Angel 7/10/99
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