By Cosette
Date: 15 July 1999

you too?

It's surprising you are my reflection on the mirror
Though you don’t dress like me
Though you don’t eat the food I love
Though you don’t listen to mushy songs 
It's amazing I am your reflection on the mirror
Though I don’t play strategy games
Though I don’t hang out with clubs and bars
Though I, a couch potato, don’t play sports 
We have only a few things in common you see
And yet I see myself in you
When we are in consonance in deep longing
When we are in unintended complement of our plans
When we are in deep thought while one is bothered yet unknown to the other
When we are always at the end of we were about to say
When we are in lack of words to describe our mutual understanding
Such a delightful recognition of ourselves within ourselves
I say this is FINALLY it
And I hear you say "me, too"

for sinneD

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