By Angel
Date: 24 July 1999


You idle on the porch and glance yonderway
toward other lovely gardens
(distance intensifies beauty)
Yet another day of neglect for your own 
which is withered and grown up with weeds
Your eyes sweep its unkempt boundaries with mild disgust
...almost blaming it for your own shortcomings
You do not aknowledge the other gardener feeding and pruning his
You feel 'he' is blessed
You sit day after day
Until, one day you look over at your own and see an even grander beauty
Your garden has come alive with magnificient color and symmetry
...a most wonderful work of art
She has awakened and she glistens with the morning dew of this new day
You are captivated and drawn to her beauty
You try to enter thru barbs and twisted vine
But you cannot 
Because she is wild and no longer yours

Angel 7/24/99

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