* The Blender Board

From: star69
Date: 1 November 1999

i'm a nut for iq tests ... i don't know why.
but i hadn't tried that one.
so thanks for the suggestion!
(i also got some rather egoboosting results -
was a great motivator to finish this paper!)

From: misti <anemone26_992yahoo.com>
Date: 1 November 1999

That should have been "mail order groom." Tongue in cheek, you understand.
I took an IQ test at the Church of Scientology in Austin awhile back. It was 147, which surprised the hell outta me. I can't even pass remedial math, but I'm a genius.
Anyway, Einstein couldn't tie his shoes. I'd rather be able to tie my shoes than figure out quantum physics.
Something "romance related"...hmmm...let's see...Got It!!! Last night I recorded my romance related poetry into a tape recorder that my sister gave me. I also recorded my shopping list and some "Twin Peaks" dialogue and music and the speech Kevin Costner gives Susan Sarandon in "Bull Durham."
If there are any men out there who believe in the same stuff he believed in, I want you! Right here, right now, baby.

From: misti
Date: 1 November 1999

Just read *a thousand words*- loved it! Especially the last line about black velvet. My friend David told me that I can go to geocities.com and create my own website for free. I'm going to create a zine full of my poetry and musings and short stories and photos and collages and I want you to be a part of it, if you are interested!!! I don't post any compliments I don't mean.

From: kevin urenda
Date: 1 November 1999


Oh velvety one...
I know EXACTLY what you are getting at with that "Crash Davis" speech... I don't quite fit into what you are asking for because I don't quite buy that Oswald acted alone... *wink* but, oh, the small of a woman's back...... <sigh>
Now as for what Annie believed in (you remember, the Church of Baseball)... I have been a member of the Church of the Cubs for so long that I have learned to expect heartche and pain... Guess that has colored my perspective (on life and love) in nothing but shades of Cubbie blue...


From: Toklas
Date: 1 November 1999

This is such a great site! I wanted to tell all of you how much I enjoy it and appreciate a corner of the world where hearts can be on sleeves. I love the poetry, the comment community and seeing good friendships evolving and expressing.
Kevin, I read and enjoyed your halloween missive! To those who want poetic purity here I would say that poetry is always happpening in its human context! Here is a place where you get a glimspe of that context. Bravo!

From: Misti
Date: 1 November 1999

I agree. I don't think Oswald acted alone. But I am drawn to no-nonsense, salt of the earth type men who are cynical, dubious and who don't buy into conspiracy theories. But where JFK was concerned- hell yeah it was a conspiracy! Once again, your wife is a lucky woman!!!
Star 69,
Here are the results, as promised:
I'm sure you already know that you are an Aries and he is a Leo, which means your suns are trine. So most likely, you have similar personalities and outlooks on life.
You have a Gemini moon and he has a Pisces moon. Your moons are square. This means you enjoy the hell outta fighting and making up.
There are numerous conjunctions and sextiles in your charts. Conjunctions= you have planets in the same sign. Sextiles= two signs apart, i.e., his Leo sun is sextile to your Gemini Jupiter. This is good. According to the aspects I found in your charts, you could get married tomorrow and it would probably work out. Meg Ryan is a Leo and Dennis Quaid is an Aries. Look how long THEY'VE been together. Overall- excellent match!!!
***I hope someone can help me put my webpage together. I went to geocities.com and tried to start the whole process and I finally just left. I am so computer illiterate.

From: Misti
Date: 1 November 1999

i forgot to tell you, I LOVE *left*.

From: deevaa deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 1 November 1999

I'm a web publisher and designer by trade... its what I do when I'm not cruising the blender, I've made a small page for the guppy and linked it off my homepage, I'd be happy to help you do something all it'll cost ya is a link.

If you wanna check it out its...http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/~deevaa there are links to guppy and shadys work off there, if you wanna go straight to the gupster... http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/6442/ratty.html

let me know... I hear that Cosette and sinneD are putting together a page also with a link to mine, and I've told Kev and Isolde that if they want a page all they need to do is pick some pieces that they'd like on there and send em too me.


From: deevaa a wigglin' deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 1 November 1999

<grin> got done with reading the last of the months stuff... I'm ready for Nov to hit me.

Angryredplanet -
'world' and 'want' ... I love love love...

Zoe -
'pure' .."your eyes like blue streaked diamonds"...<sigh>

gup -
'A thousand words'

Angel -
'A classic fit'

Kev -
'All hallows eve'n' ..."never far from crossing back over that line" Mmmmmmm-mmmmmmmnnnn.

I was talking with Isolde one night about how strange it is to come from a country like New Zealand where we don't have Halloween, to a small town in Pittsburgh on the 1st of October where every front porch and every yard was covered in spiders webs and pumpkins... it must be hard for you all to think of what thats like, its hard to explain.

anyways... best get my butt back to these damn medical workforce tables...

Take care of your hearts.


PS.. the web page offer applies to anyone who'd like to send me their works/graphics/ideas... just email me and we can discuss what you'd like.

From: Jasnloulou@aol.com
Date: 1 November 1999

Is Ramble about the same girl you are talking about in "Cafe at Night" If so I've got a similiar experience to tell you....I will be submitting a poem about it within the next couple of days, please look for it. I wrote it several years ago.

From: tonya
Date: 1 November 1999

hmmmmmm...my two cents...
i think the posting about personal lives is within the love definition...it is what drives the poetry ya know?
i love this site..i not only read the submissions but look forward to the board and have made a couple friends online this way. may even set one up with a friend..ha..its all about entertainment here on the net..if i didnt like it..i guess i would hit search on my browser and mousy on my way...until kirk says "thats enough guys" i think we all are within these "guidelines" so many people are worried about. so quit dwealling on the negative and focu on the positive...the love found here...
kisses to all!
guppy - you be the best..
misti - not to sound gossipy or anything..sheesh...but i ended it today. mistrust breaks a relationship right in two. friends only now. my hearts safer this way..i dont have to worry whats he doin..we are so muc hbetter as best friends...soooo let me know...he loves naughty poetry...*wink* tim, well....hmmmm....we hung out this weekend and got very close..ill email you it all..i know how you looooooovvvveee email.
deeva - liked your last poem...you have such a way with being able to express your deepest feelings..

From: A.J. andyroudny@sprint.ca
Date: 2 November 1999

After a pretty crappy bout of heartbreak, I was thinking to myself that no one else could possibly feel like I did. But I found a poet that perfectly echoes the frustration and fear that accompanies loneliness. His name is Heinrich Heine. I'm not much of a poetry connoiseur, but his work mirrored exacly what I felt, and it made me feel a bit better. Hope you can check him out and enjoy.

From: The Guppy
Date: 2 November 1999

misti...sure...i'm up for it...i'll help if i can...i was helping (helping?...maybe that's not the right word...more like bugging) dee while she was working on the page tonight...hehe...i can be annoying...let me know if you want help with something...not that i'd be any help, but i'd try

take care,

p.s.---kev...a cubs fan??...wow...emotional masochist...hehe...my bro is a huge cubs fan...so is one of my closest friends...the fan loyalty is incomparable

From: star69
Date: 2 November 1999

thanks always toklas and zoe and misti and all
other nice things. warm fuzzies are what keep me
coming back!
and thanks millions misti for the reading ...
you're pretty much right on about the fighting/
making up thing and i'm sure we _could_ get
married right now and it would work out deliciously.
can't believe i admitted it, but i think it's
really true. just don't let _him_ hear me say that. :)
thanks again

From: Gertrude ;)
Date: 2 November 1999

Yes, I agree, HH can really write like I'm feeling.

From: kevin urenda
Date: 2 November 1999


yeah, I am LOYAL to an extreme... Our motto as Cubs fans has been "Wait 'til next year..." since 1909, anyway.
But that quality (unflagging loyalty) makes me a good friend (and, as my wife will tell you, a good lover as well)...


From: Eve (swtp3@yahoo.com)
Date: 2 November 1999

~*~ Misti,

I have not been to the "blender" in God knows how long!
Between school, work & homelife... I have to memo myself to breath! I had forgotten about the 'serenity' of the Blender...

Mist,to come back and find your work as incredible as ever,
what a 'rush'! "from depraved to CRAVED" I read it ...damn!
It was like ..."a hellish rollercoaster ride" I got sucked in and felt the impact! ~* excellent *~


From: sam
Date: 2 November 1999

hay these poems are cool!!!!!!!!!

From: poetwench60@aol.com
Date: 2 November 1999

Dear Blender Keeper---

PLease forgive typo in submission---word was "empty"...and thanks---still time for November issue?

From: misti <anemone26_99@yahoo.com>
Date: 2 November 1999

Thank you! Welcome back!
Thanks, I appreciate it. I'll e-mail you later.
I'm about to go mail you a card with pictures of Brian (and me)enclosed. I'll e-mail you later. Is Tim the ski instructor?
I'll e-mail you,too!
***I am enjoying the hell out of talking into my little tape recorder. I really think it'll help with my poetry. Inspiration hits and BOOM! I record it. Today I saw a Hawaiian shirt with tigers and volcanoes on it and a poem will come out of that one simple impression. When and if you read the poem you'll understand. There is definitely a method to my madness.

From: misti
Date: 2 November 1999

I deleted all my old e-mail messages the other day and lost your e-mail address.): So e-mail me and I will e-mail you back!

From: Steven Foster, Foster@lps.wmsc.k12.ar.us
Date: 2 November 1999

your love is a one in a millin that keeps going on and on and never seems to end, your eyes are like the moon like that shines at night, your skin is so smooth and silky like silky sheets on a bed, your lips are so soft like a baby's bootie, your bootie is so soft you can just lay on it

From: deevaa 'cursindeevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 2 November 1999

Tonya - <blushing> thanks... I had some harsh memories of the guy huh?

Misti - <still blushing> its not the greatest... I was having some problems with it last night... and the gupster was the lest of them, I couldn't find a hoot-owl or a turtle or even a lipstick kiss, but I found some pink graphics but they had black back-grounds so I'm sorry there went the blue and damn... by that stage I was in no fit state to look for the poem you didn't know the title off.. so when you find it let me know.

http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/6442/mvr.html Take a peek and let me know what needs fixing/changing/deleting.

Guppy - which bit was helping? <grin>

got some muses working in my head... I'm sure to burst soon.

Take care of your hearts


From: MeStiZa143_99@yahoo.com
Date: 2 November 1999

Emotionally Immune

to the

Injection of Love

From: ZoE
Date: 2 November 1999

DeE> Thanks for yor compliments on "pure." I wrote that as an assaignment in poetry class back in 10th grade at 15. We had to write a memory poem and use cuplets and hexamicpantambiter (i think i spelled it wrong but I can hardly believe I can still say the word). This means it had 10 syllables per line. Check it out. he he
I just saw a picture on our family board of you and Shady. It was so fun to look at like a girl's slumber party. Laters. Time to be a mom.

From: deevaa
Date: 2 November 1999

ZoE.... hush! you wheren't meant to tell Shady I stuck that pic on the site! She'll be after me now!
That was taken on the night she picked me up from Penn Sation, when we arrived back at her house it was full of people! Of course the first thing I did was pull out my polorid to get a snap...

<dashing for cover>


PS... Kev your new one 'untitled' made me cry, its gone zooming to the front of my "reasons I love Kev's poetry" list.

Thank-you for sharing.

From: LaReina
Date: 3 November 1999

Did you get a chance to read my "Foreign" poem? I can completely relate to your "Cafe" story, was this the same lady you speak of in "Ramble?"

From: kevin urenda
Date: 3 November 1999


Thank you for the kind words... I do try to see everything around me in a poetic way, including days noted as special on the calendar. I love that you noted the Blender as being a humanly conTEXTual. For poetry IS life all around us. BEING poetic means to me what I am about to post on the submissions page (a quote from "Dead Poets Society")...

thank you...
(need I say more?)


From: kevin (again)
Date: 3 November 1999


there is another quote that has always stuck with me from that film ("Dead Poets Society")... That is

"No matter what anybody tells you, words & ideas can change the world."
-John Keating (Robin Williams)


From: Lynn Hamilton-Rutherford
Date: 3 November 1999

This is my first time posting comments, but I've been reading the material here for almost three months. I've fallen in LOVE with this board ... every day I come here and slip into that hazy place where my imagination dwells! I LOVE the blender!

This month, these were my favorites:

Kevin: Anything you write strikes a chord. "Prayer" and "All Sales Final" were very unique and really inspired my imagination. Thank you for that ... you're wonderful!

Misti: You completely captivate me with your honesty. Your journal entries are amazing ... I'm ACHING to know whatever happened to Adam Finley! I also loved your "Open Letter" and just about everything ELSE you submit here! Keep writing and I'll keep reading. You KEEP me interested!

Guppy: In a word, "fabulous"! I've YET to find anything you've written trivial or uninteresting. Your writing is captivating and VERY stirring. I especially enjoyed "Thousand Words" and "Drift" ... those two stand out in my mind, but only because those are the two I printed out and have here on my desk. What talent! I'm intrigued!

NDreams: Why only one piece? You HAVE to sumit a few more! I really liked your "Edge of Sleep" and would like to see more of your work. You poetry "teeters" (your word and one I haven't heard in a long time) with the mystery and anticipation of the "unknown". I enjoyed it greatly and wonder what circumstances in your life inspired this piece. Write more! I'm curious now!!!

Thank you ALL so much for allowing me to nudge my way in here! I realize there are a lot of close friendships here and I really enjoy seeing "what's happening" with all these creative minds.

You all are the BEST!
As Ever,

From: Madison [aka_madison@hotmail.com]
Date: 3 November 1999


The Quote From "Dead Poets Society" - Thanks for posting it here. I just added it to my poetry website - probably more for friends who go take a peek and don't know why, than for those who know exactly why they read and/or write... and understand what a cool thing Keating (not to mention Whitman) said on that day. The quote sent me off on a "Dead Poets Society" surf which reminded me: "Seize the day! Make your lives extraordinary!" - so I'm outta here again, going to find something mildly extraordinary (Ummm - how can "extra"ordinary be mild?) to do with the rest of this day.

From: Misti <anemone26_99@yahoo.com>
Date: 3 November 1999

***To Everyone***
Keep that e-mail comin', Sports Fans. Brightens my otherwise dreary existence!!!!!!!
Got your e-mail. Sorry I have been neglecting you. I bought you a card yesterday. I'll put it in the mail tonight! No Halloween pics, unfortunately. My sister forgot to shoot me in all my decadent butterfly glory. I am glad you like me with my heart smeared all over my sleeve. That is the only way I know how to be!
Cool! Thanks so much. Adam Finley...gosh, I have no idea. I moved away from Monahans after I finished sixth grade. He's probably makin' some sweet lil yuppie chic very happy with his tennis playin' law practicin' self. He was my computer partner once and i thought he was so smart. I usually don't like guys with brown hair and brown eyes but Adam was the exception. I remember buying pencils with swirly designs on 'em once 'cause he had some just like 'em.
I hate that I have lost track of all my crushes and exes. Maybe I'll meet up with 'em all again someday in Heartbreak Heaven. That would be nice. Like a Beach Boys song.
I have the worst luck of anyone I know! The turtle is integral to my page 'cause it symbolizes my ex! Ha!!! How is this for an idea: white background, black type, and Chinese letters for icons? These poems appeal to me: blue moon girl, union of the FAKE, and so it went, Lesson #22, Away from the Edge, closed for renovation, and good Catholic. Could you put those on there, in addition to the other poems I mentioned in the e-mail I sent you? Any of these icons would work: sharks, Saturn, fireworks exploding, fire, smoking pistols. I'll put a card in the mail to you, along with pictures of me. Today I sent a picture of me to Archie comics. They are having a Veronica lookalike contest. HA!!! Please please please just throw a page together for me so I can brag to everyone I know that I have one of my own! I'll give you full credit, of course!
Guppy and Donovan and Shadygirl and Tonya,
I am craving e-mail from ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!
****My In the Spotlight feature in the paper that went out today mentions "Dead Poets Society." This Baptist pastor I interviewed cited that as his fave movie. He likes the part where the guys stand on their desks. God, so do i!!! I wish I had been in a club like that when I was in school! No, that woulda been dangerous. Wouldn't have lived to tell the tale.

From: Toklas
Date: 3 November 1999


Love the quote from "Dead Poet's."
I too, think of poetry as a way of life! We live in a world that forgets where its own pulse beats. This is a place where we can passionately remember...

From: deevaa a'kickin misti!
Date: 3 November 1999

misti I've done a quick page already...
I posted the URL yesterday... scroll up the page and have a look! ya nut.


From: deevaa wigglin' back
Date: 3 November 1999

misti girl,
the URL for the budget version of your page is... http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/6442/mvr.html if you want better graphics you'd better find em and send them on over... I'd rather you did the searching!

I was searching for a lipstick kiss for you last night (had to be RIGHT shade of pink of course) and I was getting fustrated so I typed in www.kiss.com and it came up with some personal ad home page... LOL.. so what did deevaa do? did a search on men in NZ... it only came back with one guy, and on the spur of the moment I emailed him! arrrghhhh how I wish I had of been thinking straight!

Gupster... Love the newbie...

Kev... your welcome.

I hope Kirk is ok, he is missing... hopefully just busy. <worried look>

Take care of your hearts...


OHHHHhhhhhh I forgot to comment on a piece by someone new to the page... I loved it, but I don't remember the name. I promise I will tomorrow!

From: kevin urenda
Date: 3 November 1999

Toklas, Madison, and Misti Velvet---

I am pleased to have struck a deeply resonant chord with my invocation of "Dead Poets Society."

((((**Wax warning! Nostalgic WAXING ahead**))))

I was lucky enough as a high school student to have had a teacher amazingly similar to John Keating (in his devotion to his students and his absolute joyful love of words). True story -- HE stood up on top of HIS desk in front of the class one day (one of the most amazing thing I have seen to this day)... I did not make any reference to the "Seize the Day" quote in the film "Dead Poets..." because Fred Hayes would send us out into the world with that charge every day: "Carpe Diem! SEIZE the day!" The one other quote of his that I couldn't possibly forget is this (in reference to poetry):

"Give me words, that if you cut them, they would BLEED."

~~~~WOW, I LOVE this place! I had not thought of Fred in a while... Thank you guys!~~~~


From: kevin yet again
Date: 3 November 1999

(yeah I know... it's my turn to TAKE UP SPACE on the Board)


You humble me with your gracious comments.
I too find great personal inspiration within the text and subtext of the poetry of others here...
Thank you for feeling that way about mine...


From: misti
Date: 3 November 1999

sorry for my nutty ways. Thanks so much! I am headed over there right now.

From: Madison
Date: 3 November 1999

Deevaa - I think I have a "kissing lips" graphic somewhere in my stash if you want it, they were better lips than some I've seen, but they are NOT pink, they're red (oooh la la) moving lips kissing away, but you can probably turn that action off if you don't like it. I'll take a look when I get back in tonight, let me know if you want it.

From: deevaa
Date: 3 November 1999

Madison... hey, anything is worth a shot!
I can probally change the colour with my graphics program anyways... thanks... email em to em! deevaa@paradise.net.nz

LOL... on the lookout for a turtle now!


From: ZoE
Date: 3 November 1999

Sorry to be a tattle tail but still a very cute pic!
-ZoE :)

From: Obligatory Blender Complainer
Date: 4 November 1999

New issue soon I hope?

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 4 November 1999

Yes, there should be a new blender out tonight, I hope.
I got a late start because of a crunch at work- it would have been done last night, but I ran into a snafu related to the changeover to the new server- the way it's set up, my user account doesn't "own" the files people have submitted! And the weird thing is when I try to move them, unix just seems to freeze- no error, but it's like it's processing and can't get back to me. (no, it's not like the entire webserver freezes, just the part that I am then talking to.)

TO answer someone's question- yes, the woman whose shown with her boyfriend and discussed on last months's ramble is the person the woman in "Cafe at Night" is based on. (Cafe at Night is fictional, butmakes references to a more or less true past)

From: Lynn Hamilton Rutherford aka Lynn ....
Date: 4 November 1999

Isn't it funny how those "first crushes" stay in our minds? Your Adam Finley has really stirred my curiosity about my first real crush! It was "Derwood Tootle" and in 4th grade he used to sing "Burning Fire" (Johnny Cash) to me on the play ground.

We wouldn't speak a WORD to each other (crushes are like that), but he WOULD carry my math book to math class for me and toss it goofily on my desk. Once our teacher, Mrs. Thompson (horrible woman ... smelled like vitamins and looked eerily like a bulldog), moved him to the seat in front of me and all I could see was the counter clockwise whirl of hair at the nape of his neck.

I've no idea where Derwood ended up but still everytime there is hurricane warnings (it's that counter clock-wise thing I guess), I think of him.

Life's funny like that isn't it?


From: sarah gnome@england.com
Date: 4 November 1999

next time my computer decides to die i'll make sure to find another outlet for my poetic spirit. HOly cow, life is crazy sometimes ya know??? and then your computer dies, i have been without a computer for going on THREE WEEKS three weeks, holy cow, and i have a feeling people think i was neglecting them oh but i wasn't, somewhere in the vicinity of my brain they held a portion of its thoughts, but i guess now i have to make up for my silence now by sending out emails to everyone, so for all the people here who i know, I AM ALIVE, I LIVE ON!!!!

plus i've been getting ready to move too! i get my own apartment in three weeks, and i got a cat too, whom i have named aries, and he is five months old and jet black, and he sleeps in the car, how is that for a perfect animal.....yes he is!!!!
and then i had to get my car fixed, and then all this other crazy stuff, and la di da, tiz life and ya gotta love it!!!!

alright folks, awesome work while i was gone, gonna keep me busy reading thats for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh as for email.......shoot, go back to the old one.

From: deevaa deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 4 November 1999

Its Friday here... Guy Fawkes Night!!!

There is going to be a huge fireworks display over the harbour, I can't wait.. Wellington city council is paying $50,000.00 for the fireworks.. sheesh... thats alot of money to just set fire to!

I thought Id hit a jackpot this morning, downloaded my email.. and there was 20 in my inbox... 20 since 11pm last night... every single one was from misti.. hyper email sending chick!

The personals guy emailed back... argh! He seems really nice.. what do I do now??????

Not only that, but I've got a lunch date... and ummm... Theres still this other guy that I'm crazy about.. what do I do? what do I do????? I'm not used to having men want to date me!

Off to panic...

Take care of your hearts....


From: Maria
Date: 4 November 1999

I am looking for you. I saw a poem you left over a year ago. Was that for me? PLease e-mail me, not much has changed in my life, but I would like to at least talk (e-mail) to you. You're the right George if you know the wonder of the northern lights on a crisp winter evening and also the soul shatting feeling of watching your soul mate board a plane to another man. I'm sorry for all the awful things I've put you through. Forive me. whosyourdaddy74@yahoo.com.
Your Maria

From: Toklas
Date: 4 November 1999

Poetwench, I just read "Panther," did the trick for me today...enjoyed it very much. Thank you for that one!

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 4 November 1999

November's issue is here... sorry for the delay.

Man, touchtyping is tough when you already know how to type, just not without looking-- too often you try to think of the general position of the key, not the correct finger- sigh.

From: deevaa deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 4 November 1999

Congrats to the front page picks... I musta been in tune with Kirk this month (what a scary thought!)
Many of the front page picks (and comments... LOL@the irony quip -- my thoughts exactly!)

Appetite by artdog, and engarde by the gupster where really definite favourites... Julie and Madisons ones too... I somehow missed 'brunch' but wow, I loved it! also Jlors one.. I miss his prose. (Jlor.. hear that.. I MISS YOU come back!)

as for the new stuff...

'what is your verse?" <grin> CUTE!

'release' ... nice.

Lunch date was ok... nothing romantic... just a nice guy...

Take care of your hearts.


From: Madison
Date: 4 November 1999

Wow, I thought I'd read all of the submissions over the last month, but I see I missed a lot! Very nice, guys, very nice. Thank you Kirk for posting mine. I was re-writting Brunch as fast as I'd sent it in, and now I'm wondering, maybe I was wrong. (Nah, do wish I'd sent the new improved one - I'm such a hasty little thing when it comes to that send button)

Love that bitesized line at the top of the Blender, the Guppy verse. I'd never noticed the Blenderite's lines up there until now (nice one, Guppy) As per my usual M.O., the impatient sender hasn't even read all of the Blender yet and I'm already over here yakking away - be back later! after I've soaked up each and every letter of new November issue. ~ Madi

From: Art Dog
Date: 4 November 1999

Calypso- outlines is one of the most beautiful poems I have ever read.

From: Madison
Date: 5 November 1999

Speaking of beautiful, ArtDog, "Appetite" is wonderful. So tangible and sensual ~

From: The Guppy
Date: 5 November 1999

congrats everybody...great issue this month...i'm honored to be included with so many talented writers...great job guys...keep writing!!!

ok...me: "hmmmm...should check out the new blender isssue...hmmmm...page loading...slow...grrrr...hmmmmm...quote...hmmmm...that sounds really famil...hey!!!...what the????...i wrote that!!!...."

kirk...me=way honored...thank you


From: poetwench
Date: 5 November 1999

Thanks Toklas----trying to blend the ethereal with the tangible---i am but a writing fool....

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 5 November 1999

Yup, I think Guppy is the first poater to be directly quoted at the top. (There may have been one or two other quotes recommended in people's submissions, however...) I guess I tend to go for those "definition of love" quotes a lot. (Not that I went everyone submitting those in order to try to get to the top- part of the charm is the chance factor)

From: lisa shields, desim@hotmail.com
Date: 5 November 1999

Sorry Kirk---

Forgot the email address...mea culpa.

By the way Toklas---I love your economy/succinct approach...powerful and petite.

Also Calypso---lovely touch....

From: misti <anemone26_99@yahoo.com>
Date: 5 November 1999

Kevin, Angel, Shadygirl and Deevaa~
I'm going to mail your cards as soon as I get off the computer. More clippings enclosed!
Now I see why your cup "runneth over." Great picture!

From: Madison
Date: 5 November 1999

"a.m." - Sarah, nice blend, I really like this one.

From: Misti
Date: 5 November 1999

I just read *a.m.* Wow!!! I likes it I likes it!!!

From: Misti
Date: 5 November 1999

I am going to try not to hog the Board this month.
Just this, right quick:
I just read your newest submission. Forgot the title, but I love these lines, especially: "they rode a streetcar named subliminal self defense" and "slutty looking rainbow with a heart of fire." Sounds like me! Ha!

From: Calypso
Date: 5 November 1999

Thank you so much Kirk for posting Nichka. It means alot to me. Also thanks to Artdog and Lisa for your encouragement.

From: The Guppy
Date: 5 November 1999

wow...loved the subs today...they all just kinda hit me...props to kevin, sarah, misti, madison, lisa, patrick...

they all seemed very real-life...very hmmmmmm...not flowery, and not dismal...some shade of grey...loved them all

later folks,

From: The Guppy
Date: 5 November 1999

zoe...really liked the rita poem and the manhatten one (sorry, i'm awful at remembering titles)

From: Angel
Date: 5 November 1999

Great front page, Kirk...Congratulations to all front cover picks...and to some of my favorites...Guppy, Misti and Madison...but all were terrific *smile*


From: lisa shields, desim@hotmail.com
Date: 5 November 1999


If I may? Liked drift a lot---the repetition had the power of a mantra, or a prayer---a poem taken from the mind as a whole cloth...


From: ZoE
Date: 6 November 1999

Guppy> Thanks for the compliments. Both were written in hexamitpantambiter and cuplets.

From: tonya
Date: 6 November 1999

mvr -
you go girl..got your card today...you and your pics are too cute..thansk for the compliment..somedays i see it.. others i dont..ha its been over 24 hours since i spoke to him last..hes on his plane to london and i am left here spinning. you will never guess what showed up this afternoon at work....a dozen roses and a POUND of juicy pear jelly bellys. the card said - to the one woman who made my heart sing and the desire to climb trees, barefoot, in the middle of the night, come alive again. dream with me always. yours into forever, tony.
HOLY MOLY! "yours into forever" is a poem i wrote that he liked so well i ripped it out of my journal and he folded it up and put it in his wallet.
andy,guppy,drunken saladmonkey -
you reading this??....now you know the flutters that man gave me...sheesh. i have this great desire to run..to not answer my phone when it rings..to have my employees tell him i moved to peru to live with a medicine man..to protect this tender heart. what happend to the self imposed break i was taken to rebuild me??? (maybe it was just from yuppy boys with no souls only fat pocketbooks to buy books on how to woo a woman into believeing they are real and true and could love like no other) to reveal in my awesomeness and eat mangos naked...is this a sign? you all believe in those? why did this man fall out of the sky and land plop right into the spagetthi with no meatballs plate of my life????
anyway...wrapping up my ramble. im a certified mess and i should be committed into the asylum of women who truly believe love exisits and there are men out there who will open the door for me and wont try to buy my love or heart or affection and will put the hair that falls forward behind my ear in the cutest sort of way....

From: jb swallowthemoon@angelfire.com
Date: 6 November 1999

My 'Deli'cate Soul by nataliaanna is a beautiful poem.

There are many poems and pieces I can understand but only a few that I can relate to and embrace. That I am able to interpret based on my own experiences, of course, but where there is something within the words that allows me to see a different side of myself as opposed to seeing only what I already know. I get to enjoy (and sometimes endure) this side that I knew in the subconcious existed, but I had never met and talked with before.
I think that when a written work, any written work, makes it possible for even one person to reach within like that, it is a beautiful thing.

And I would just like to thank you, nataliaanna, for your poem. It became a portal for my emotion to form itself into something solid so that I might get to know it and enjoy it, rather than fear it in it's intangible state.

~ jb ~

From: The Guppy
Date: 6 November 1999

everybody...sory fer da speeling erors in mye fums submizzshion...me=weel bee gooder at spiling zoon i hop

later peeps,

From: deevaa
Date: 6 November 1999

deevaa = just done reading 'fumes' by the Gupster .... Mmmmmm, umm... yum... oh yeah... WOW.

From: Madison
Date: 6 November 1999

Guppy, enjoyed the naughty one. Very strange, I started a piece early this morning before work that had the same theme; even had the word "glue" in it. So if you see gummy glue show up in a week or two... haha, it had already "stuck" in my mind before I read this!

From: The Guppy
Date: 7 November 1999

everybody...sory fer da speeling erors in mye fums submizzshion...me=weel bee gooder at spiling zoon i hop

later peeps,

From: Misti <anemone26_99@yahoo.com>
Date: 7 November 1999

A pound of jelly bellies? That is so sweet!!! You can keep the picture of Brian. I take it you weren't too impressed! Ha!
You deftly evoked a feeling of unrestrained passion in your "naughty" poem. "Toes curled"-yep.
*****I have introduced my cousin to the Blender. He just submitted a few crazy poems. Too funny!!!!!**********

From: Toklas
Date: 7 November 1999

Kevin, I feel like you have written this morning what I could not. Too grieved. I feel "Out of Context."
"Harbor" particularly spoke to me. I have been trying to write my life's letting go poem for weeks, have been unable to do it. Thank you Kevin.:)

From: misti
Date: 7 November 1999

I just found the pictures you put on my page! Cool! I'm going back to Kinko's next week to add more pictures. How can I can get into the page to add more stuff? Also, could you not fit the comic picture in? Not a big deal. Thanks again! Hope you receive my card soon.

From: dee
Date: 7 November 1999

I musta missed the comic one off by mistake... I'll stick it in tonight, I'd have to give you the user name and password to my site if you wanna work on the stuff I've done already, but it'd be better if you went into geocities and started your own page which you can work on whenever you like, and just use the stuff I've done already as a "show-off" page until you get your one done.

Let me know what you wanna do.


From: Shadygirl fading_shade@hotmail.com
Date: 7 November 1999


Hey y'all...just dropping in for hi, it's been so long I feel like I have to knock now...:-( hehe...

Misti...where's my card and clippings girl? ;-)

Dee - what's this about our pic on the web somewhere? Dear lord girl! What are you trying to do to me? All these people checkin' out my big ugly mug...spilling a little sunlight in my shade! AAAHH!

Well, for those of you who new about..mainly Kev and Dee, guess who won that stupid pumpkin painting contest?? (I will never grow up...I swear) LOL...moi. I can now pay my bills!!! Woohoooo! Not only that, I am also supposed to look up the public relations someone-er-other at my school because she may have a potential project for me...ahh, back into art, and for moola, it's a beautiful thing, now if I can only find the time. ;-)

Everything else is pretty blah right now...my brain is oatmeal, my heart is beef jerky...and still I am somehow content...bizarre, eh?

From: dee
Date: 7 November 1999

oh and by the way misti you can get to your page from my main site here... http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/~deevaa/

or from that link I gave you earlier... http://geocities.com/SoHo/Square/6442/mvr.html

I've added some new poetry and photos to my homepage too if anyone is interested in checking it out.. and sign the guest book to make it look like I have friends!

Guppy... its about time you picks a few newbies for your page, and Kev... hurry up and get choosing!


From: guilty looking deevaa
Date: 8 November 1999

Shady girl
umm... sorry babe... no one will ever know what you look like from that pic though... <grin>

heya whhooooohooooooo on the pumpkin painting.. did you do the bob marley pumpkin like you where talking about??


From: The Guppy
Date: 8 November 1999

tricia...i just read your "and so we cried" sub...liked it much...and realized that i just submitted one with the "best laid plans..." title...sheeesh...not that those words haven't been used a billion times or anything, just weird when it happens on the same day in the same place by two different people..ha...that stuff has been going on a lot here lately...i really did like your poem...once again, very real...i just wanted to let you know that i wasn't ripping off your line or anything like that

take care,

From: Dorothy godidi@juno.com
Date: 8 November 1999

Any suggestions or comments? Need to know please
Thanks and I love this site. I haven't come across anything quite like this before!!

From: kevin urenda
Date: 8 November 1999


You have paid me one of the most touching compliments I have ever received. Moreso in light of the fact that it was YOUR poem that catalyzed my expressions yesterday morning, as I too was nursing a heart rubbed (a little less) raw. What amazes me is how poetic expression can feed off itself, and sometimes has little to do with the POETS... I am awed to be a part of that. Take care of your heart...


I am working on it, hon...

Off to WORK...


Date: 8 November 1999

MISTI - its not that im not interested..just figured i should keep my life simple and just try and fall for guys who are at least an ocean away ya know??????????? ha. im guessing a pound..who knows..a very big bag that me, my employees, and a bunch of the kids are still eating. i found out he called one of my employees and begged in his little accent if she would help him out..ha she went and bought the flowers and jelly beans and all for him and had them delivered on her lunch hour..sheesh. today is the day for the next phone call..whoohoo.
guppy - your naughty poem...hmmmmmm...i think you should write about you sat night...ha

From: John Patuto (Patuto@netmoves.com)
Date: 8 November 1999

Why is it that when we are together, time flies by so fast, and yet when we are apart, it drags on so slowly?

Could time and distance have a direct relationship to one another?

Is the passing of time impacted by the nearness of you?

It must be for an 8 hour day spent with you goes by in a heartbeat, while a weekend apart continues on for an eternity...

From: Misti
Date: 8 November 1999

I said I was going to try not to hog the Board this month but, damn it all to hell, I LIED!!
When I get on the Internet with my 13 yr.old cousin, I tend to get silly- so yesterday I brought him to the Blender and encouraged him to submit some poems. The results were ridiculous but we had fun.
For those of you who know my "story"- I got a picture of Julie Kate in the mail today! I still can't believe I gave birth to a blonde! She has tons of blonde hair and the cheesiest smile! She's a camera hog for sure, and of course she comes by it natural! I can't believe she'll be three years old in a month.
It has helped my healing process immensely to be able to come to the Blender and find not only a forum for my poetry but friends, as well.
Last night I wrote a bunch of poems about my ex. While I was writing one of 'em, a big tear plopped down on the page and smeared the ink!! God.
Congrats on winning the pumpkin contest! And your card is on the way! You should receive it Wednesday.
That's a good idea. Maybe Autumn (my sister) can help me create a new web page on Wednesday at Kinko's. I am eternally helpless and hopeless!
The Atlantic Ocean is a cruel barrier, 'tis true. But correspondence can be so romantic!!! I've got my Europe postcards from Chase taped to my dresser mirror in my bedroom.
Okay, okay, I'm off!!!

From: Jenna Holland (poeic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 8 November 1999

Art Dog- "Atlas Pining" wonderful, simply wonderful


From: Misti
Date: 8 November 1999

God, girl! You summed up what I went through with my ex in your Polite Excuses poem!!!! Deja fookin' vu!!!! The one I ESPECIALLY love is "I love you but I'm not IN love with you." Once he elaborated by comparing me to his best friend, Paul. He actually said,"I love Paul, but I don't want to marry him."

From: deevaa
Date: 8 November 1999

Misti -
I was blonder than blond until I was about 6... I mean BLOND... my eyebrows wheren't even there, and now... now.. argh I've got enough BLACK BLACK eyebrow to share with 3 others.
I remember once being told by a friends mother that I had applied my eyebrow pencil wrong and would I like her to show me how it was done... She didn't beleive me that I didn't have any one. <pout>

I've got pics of blond deevaa if you'd like to see.


From: lippy
Date: 8 November 1999

I have submitted two poems about a month ago and I came back on to read them again and I can't find my poems. PLease help me with this problem.

From: Tricia
Date: 8 November 1999

Hi Guppy!
I'm glad you liked the poem "And so we cried." Yes, It's strange that all of these minds are using the same phrases in our poems lately. Some of the other blenderites have done the same thing! What this tells me is that we're all on the same mental wavelengths, and that we're in tune with each other.(or that we're all on the same drugs <grin>)

Your poem was wonderful, as are they all. I get such a kick out of them, and some move me to tears. Isn't that what we're all about... moving people? Reading your poetry has become my new pastime of late. And as you can tell from my last poem, my schedule has been very full for weeks. I spend the weekends traveling and teaching. This website is my dessert at the end of a very long, sometimes lonely day. Your poem was the cherry on top!
I'm honored to share the same phrases with a wordsmythe such as "the Guppinator!"

From: Debra654 (I am ALL about irony)
Date: 9 November 1999

A Front Page Pick??!!! OMG! I am shocked and amazed. Thank you.

Misti, Thanks for your comments on Polite Excuses. Im sure we have all heard or said them a few times in our lives.

Date: 9 November 1999

misti - tell me about it. guess whos going to london on feb 5???? (ill be back by your date..=) ) you got it! wow..now im allll exited again. he called yesterday again and we chatted for long time again. imagine my suprise...the phone rings for the thousandth time that day...and who should be on the other line but the one man who can give me goosebumps..he says in his soothing sexy accent...miss tonya please..i about melted right there....mmmmmmmmmm i sent him a package today and he said he "penned" me a letter..how cute eh?? he asked me if i was a witch and put a wicked spell on him that makes it so he cant sleep..or eat..or pass by a book store without this crazy american girl with dimples who is a jelly bean freak invading his being...yikes! too cute...
i didnt know that you gave a chie up for adoption..my sister gave up my niece 5 years ago...we get pictures and letters and can visit but havent..i call her once in a while and she calls me aunt tonya..my sister is due again in two weeks and i can tell you how excited i am. tony and i were talkign about moments that you wish could go on forever...one of the moments i chose was that last moment in holding my niece as a baby before i gave her to her adoptive mom that last time...i would never see her as a baby again and wouldnt see her grow.i wanted that moment to last foever..it will in my memories i guess...
guppy - you need some help..ha nice poems...read above..whoohoo! whats an ocean and a few thousand miles??? ha

From: Calypso
Date: 9 November 1999

Misti, I read Radiance. Love does make a difference, doesn't it?

Artdog, mahoghany and gold create a lovely sheen in Appetite. Loved it.

From: star69
Date: 9 November 1999

it's a good lookin' front page this month, blenderites.
thanks for including me, kirk!
if i ever get some time to think about love and romance
(right now i'm composing/preparing the presentation of my senior thesis) i'll be back here reading and writing.
luck in love,

From: Rennie Lorca - Lorca@bigfoot.com
Date: 9 November 1999

I am running so far behind this time. Congratulations to all on their Front Page picks. And, I am trying to go in and read the new submissions as I can. I am always so happy to see the talent and genuine emotions.

My Captain will be here to see me soon ... so I have all I can manage right now. We have shared part of our lives here on the Blender ... thanks all, for what you have made it.............Rennie

Date: 9 November 1999

vampire -
wow....your words echoed my feelings a year ago....negativity and uncaring replaced laughter and joy.....i changed due to it as did he.....but...now i have found true happiness within myself...(im only assuming that the poem was due to a break up also..im osrry for your pain..)

From: PAM
Date: 9 November 1999


From: deevaa
Date: 9 November 1999

I just got 1/2 a dozen red roses delivered to my desk... I feel so evil.

From: misha:star_53_1998@yahoo.com
Date: 10 November 1999

i like poems and i what to see if i like you poems

From: Misti <mnemosyne26@hotmail.com>
Date: 10 November 1999

I am freaking out! I just tried to check my e-mail (at my old yahoo address) and I couldn't get in!!! Could someone have messed that up for me? My gut reaction was to lash out at Brian 'cause I had been receiving this pornographic crap there for the past two days and now this! So I sent him a brief, bitchy e-mail. I was expecting e-mail from my friends and these professional wrestlers so I'm spitting fire right now!!!!
Yes, I would love pictures of you as a blonde!!! I wonder if Julie Kate's hair will darken?
E-mail me at my new address! I am so excited for you (re: London)!!!!! I probably already told you that!
Guppy, Kevin, Shadygirl, Angel, Donovan,
E-mail me!!!!! If you want to.

From: christa: FoxyRuxyCaliGal@hotmail.com
Date: 10 November 1999

Emerald Eyes

Brightly through emerald eyes,
I see your soul.
Sweet and fragile,
Ignorant to the love of my heart.

In soft hands,
I lay my finger tips,
I dream to see your eyes again.

Your fire lips,
Filled with youthfull passion.
Glisining in the radient light of my heart,
Sweet and fragile.

Date: 11 November 1999

MVR, "Cut!" was awesome. "I wanted to be desired like a bad thing!".......... clever

Date: 11 November 1999

kate, "write me in" hits me......

Date: 11 November 1999

Kevin, you are SO talented and PASSIONATE! I throughly enjoy your work.

From: Lynn .... pruphrock@usa.net
Date: 11 November 1999

The creative juices are certainly flowing THIS month! I've read almost everything twice I think and these are my favorites:

"Write Me In" was stirring and beautifully expressed! There are few writers who can sum up a lifetime of words in three lines. You did it ... and amazingly beautifully, I might add. It's taped to my monitor.

"White Flag" painted pictures in my mind as I read:
"my weakness exposed now
as i kneel in your shadow
i know you are angry and fully armed"
I couldn't stop reading it ... I've been on that very battlefield myself, but having you put into pictures and words what I felt was truly amazing. In the end I was a puddle of tears. You've moved me beyond words. Amazing!

"Radiance" was exceptional! I love the depth and honesty of your work and always have. I especially liked the line:
"... carry the moment
around in my pocket like a touchstone."
Your passion for the written word is inspiring! I truly love your work and read everything you write!

What can I say about your piece "Where" that can convey the effect it had on me? ... I keep a scrap book of clippings and favorite pieces from Walt Whitman, Robert Frost, TS and Sylvia Plath ... I printed out "Where" and glued it to the inside cover. You can figure out the rest.

And on that note ... I'm off to rake leaves! Isn't fall the crunchiest???

Hugs all around ...

From: Misti <mnemosyne26@hotmail.com>
Date: 11 November 1999

Thanks for your comments on *Radiance*!!!!
Shadygirl, Angel, Deevaa and Tonya,
My mom sent me a chain letter today and I truly believe it could be profitable so I'm going to send ya'll a copy today! You send the first woman on the list a dollar. I sent two dollars, though, 'cause I like even numbers. You could make a lot of money this way, so it's worth a shot.
I am watching "In the Company of Men." It's official. I FEAR WHITE HETEROSEXUAL SUCCESSFUL MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Misti
Date: 11 November 1999

I bought *Love Signs* last night at Half-Price books for seven bucks!!! I think my most romantic match would be a Libra. That is my favorite section in the entire book, the Libra Man and Aquarian Woman. Brian has a Libra moon...

From: Shadygirl fading_shade@hotmail.com
Date: 12 November 1999

Dee - I painted a gnome on the pumpkin, sort of ended up looking like Yoda...hahaha...I have to get pics to scan.

Misti - I got your card, sugar! I will be writing you as soon as I can. :-) Love the clippings, of course! :-)

From: TheVampire
Date: 12 November 1999

Great Misti,

Just when I thought I was starting to like you....now
I find out you FEAR me....damn!!!! I always miss out
on the good ones...LMAO.

On a side note.....
Guppy, you are one talented person! Keep it up.

From: kate
Date: 12 November 1999

Lynn, and someone else from nov 11 -

Thank you so much for your comments on "write me in." I can't believe it's taped to your monitor, that makes me smile.

Misti - "In the company of men" - watched it once, will never do it again. I agree - yikes!!


Date: 12 November 1999

misti ...guppy -
its happened. in one week my world had been completly been turned up side down. i went from a calm, simple life with a just fine boyfriend to waiting for the phone to ring and mugging the mailman daily. each day i have had some sort of suprise arrive...yesterday it was a london university sweatshirt sprayed with his cologne so that i have something of his to sleep in and take with me to dreamland. it must be a dream..he says and does all the right things...makes me feel like a queen...so romantic and cute...i have to pinch myself daily. it must be a dream. truly. i feel like i dreamed him into reality. he even wrote a poem for the first time ever to send to me. read it to me in his accent and made me cry. sigh. im scared also though...sheesh...i want to bail quickly so i wont get hurt but i cant...men i say! ha misti - cool about the book..i love it now..=) and about brian...he doesnt deserve you ya know???? i keep telling you who to go for ..*wink* have a great day..

From: the guppy
Date: 12 November 1999

hiya folks...me=having a week comparable to hell, but colder...my resentment of real estate agents and cats has been freshly justified...(apologies to any of you who happen to be real estate agents and/or cats)...

dee and misti...thanks for the emails and thoughts and stuff...you guys (meaning girls) made my day several times this week...i'll write soon...when i can piece together a few words to actually form a complete thought...*runs before the "yeah, right!" comments start flying*...i should really just learn esp so i can just send thoughts to you...would be way easier, but would probably make less sense to you

tonya...you=the queen mother of all hummingbirds :)...best luck with the limey dude...hehe...hey, just remember, if i didn't give you crap, you wouldn't love me...ha

tricia, lynn, vampire...thanks for the kind words...i look forward to reading your future works

et al...hope life is treating everyone well...

hasta pasta,

From: Misti <mnemosyne26@hotmail.com>
Date: 12 November 1999

Tonya, Shadygirl, Angel and Deevaa,
I mailed you each a chain letter today. I sent out ten letters! I wouldn't have bothered if I didn't think it wasn't truly worth it. We could really make some moola off this deal!
Last night I watched "The Other Sister" and cried! It's kinda weird how strongly I identified with Juliette Lewis's character, considering that she was retarded. Oops, I meant mentally challenged. Or whatever the current politically correct term is. Anyway, I preferred her wedding to her sister's.
Just go with it! It sounds "perfectly lovely." What did you think of the Taurus man, Cancer woman section in *Love Signs*? When a Taurus man writes you a poem, that's, like, a huge deal!!! Shakespeare was a Taurus. I still need to see "Shakespeare in Love."
I loathe cats. I'm okay with ESP. A bit rusty, though.

From: Misti
Date: 12 November 1999

Sorry to rain on your parade. I never knew you cared! But if you are a white heterosexual successful male, I'm afraid I'm going to have to wear a garlic necklace around my neck. Definitely definitely!!!

From: tonya, tonyal@oregontrail.net
Date: 12 November 1999

guppy - werid i say weird weird....
a week ago thursday night...i compared my self to a hummingbird...flitting about..seeking sweet nectar but so ready to fly away quickly at any sign of danger..esp. to my heart..ya know?? from flower to sweet flower, filling my cup but moving on...then last night i read taht poem on her eabout the hummingbird and laughed..so true so true...i cpoied it off and mailed it out yesterday in one of my letters to make him smile..=)
i wub ya...or else youd be in big trouble..youre a great bud..thanks for all ya know..and good luck.*Wink* i want details details..
misti - loved that page..cpied it and sent it to him also..along with pages out of the succulent woman book..wanna give him stuff to read while hes traveling for work...ha im sending you ians email addy babe....good luck! crazines i say!!

From: kevin urenda, totally.kluless.today
Date: 12 November 1999


I am glad I don't 'fit' into that matrix of "Men Misti Velvet Fears," because if I did, *MY* sweetie would probably fear me too : - (
THEN where would I be??
As for your poetry thus far this month--
one in particular that clutched at my heart was "Partner in Crime." There are men like that out here, hon (maybe minus the toenail painting, but even so). Most men are frightened to the core of a passion like yours, and do whatever they can to line their own hearts with asbestos. But not the kind of guy you are looking for. THAT kind of fearlessness is rare, though. So be patient and studious... And THANKS for the card, hon!

Mr. Fish-man... what a great storyteller you are, and the stories you tell are wonderful. Particularly "morons." I loved the characters that jumped out from the words you used.
I also enjoyed "not a word." The greatest moments in life are those ones...

I absolutely adored the last line of "Outlines." What a wonderfully constructed metaphor.
And the bittersweetness of "Return to Sender" was deeply affecting...

I hope your guy answers your question "May I See You Again?" positively. Love must continually be reborn for it to last...

I liked the imagery of "Borrowed." Sometimes I see my OWN heart as being tossed about like a set of keys to people needing to unlock something...

heart Song-
I am pleased to see your reappearance, and I also looked deep within myself after seeing the images you painted in "Never Knowing." I guess I still like what I see THERE...

Thank you for your kind words. They worked like salve on this poetic heart rubbed a little too raw this week...

I can hardly believe how humbled I was to read what you had done with one of *my* poems. To be in the same vicinity as the TRULY poetic people you named is gratifying beyond my ability to express. Thank you for your kindness...


From: deevaa
Date: 12 November 1999

Misti - I think sending me the chain letter might be a bit nuts.. I don't really 'do' chain letters, and there really isn't much point sending $1 NZ off, it's only worth .54 US cents and I hardly think anyone would be able to cash it.

Gupp - miss you much... I'd love it if you emailed with the gossip when you get time... stuff here is crazy.

I'm not having a good time of it all.. I think this guy is sweet, and enjoying the attention and the flowers, but now I'm feeling overwelmed and I've told him that... but.. hell I don't know.. and now another guy has asked me out and thats stuffing everything up cause I like him.. and if we get on well dating... well then I have to break the other guys heart and all I really want is.... fuck. I don't know.

deevaa = feeling evil.


From: lisa
Date: 13 November 1999

Dear Kev---

Thank you---I've submitted stuff before, but while I was writing that, I was dripping tears...much that the blender catches is about love in it's newest form---trying to maintain love and passion, trying not lose the truly special and unique---that is indeed A TRICK....just hope I have enough of the old fairy dust to make it last...

From: ZoE
Date: 13 November 1999

HeArTsOnG. Loved "My secret desire". Very blunt yet passionate. Your words are so graceful.

From: Nichole
Date: 13 November 1999

Heartsong- Loved my reckless desire. I have been in that situation TOO many times and didn't know who I was. You captured that word "co-dependent"!! That was me. Thanks!

From: a_babic@yahoo.com
Date: 14 November 1999

And no one ever knew
what I feel for you
you hold my broken heart
while stars put shine in night
you were my only one
you know i was in loved
and no one loved me more
as you did before
cant you see
it's not the way it has to be
you know i feel all pain
but you leave me
you leave me every day
and even you can walk away
in my heart there's a fire of burning light
show me there is a magic way
but u'll need me
you'll need me every day
but even you can walk away
you know i love you more
like no one did before
and stars can turn the light
when you hold me thight
this is a magic way,
just give me one more day
you will reach the stars in my broken heart...


From: galadrial@aol.com
Date: 14 November 1999

Hey Guppy,

Really felt wedding band imprint blues---nice job of capturing that neat schism---when you see more than you're supposed to, and how it all makes you feel... you are not merely a poet, but a philosopher for our time....

From: Swtliz SwtLiz@yahoo.com
Date: 14 November 1999

All I can say.. I enjoy coming here and
reading everyones thoughts that are held within them.
Late at night when I can't sleep love to come and read what
people have left.. and maybe leave my thoughts behind if I
had any at that moment... And for the Guppy..
Love to see life through your eyes.. "The GReat GUppy"
Love to see that you write often..
Like to be able to maybe set up a link from my web site to
here if I may. could someone tell me if that is ok?
email me SwtLiz@yahoo.com .. have my web page ready to go
but have not posted yet..

From: Angel
Date: 15 November 1999

Heartsong~"In My Reckless Desire", *WOW*...I see you are back...missed ya ;-)


From: Misti
Date: 15 November 1999

I thought I told you...I'm an idiot! I thought New Zealand was the polluted little state on the East Coast with all the factories and teen idol guy groups.
I'm joking. Really, though, it didn't even occur to me that you live in a different country, which means you don't need our dirty American dollar bills. I don't usually "do" chain letters, either, but I did this one 'cause I think I might possibly see some results, idiocy notwithstanding.
I sent you a card last week and it came back 'cause I only put one stamp on it. Please try to understand my dilemma...it's hard for me to remember what time zone I'M in, let alone anybody else.
Okay, I've debased myself enough for 1 day. Bye!

From: Misti
Date: 15 November 1999

I just read *another page* and I'm quite sure she does! God...

From: heart Song
Date: 15 November 1999

Kevin, Zoe, Nichole, and Angel. Thank you so much for your kind comments. It makes me feel better knowing that I am not alone. My heart smile a bit now.

From: deevaa relaxing into stuff....
Date: 15 November 1999

<wiggles her butt on in>

heya heya all!
Done a massive read... yahhhhooooo for the blender.

A few caught my eye... (as-per-usual!)

Gup -
Handsome, 'The present' (nice nice nice) ohhh and where did you get that HTML? and 'Idle wondering' good to see a smile...

Pizza -
'Danced in the rain' ... "drug me/ in beautiful thoughts" pretty.

Toklas -
(did I spell that right?) 'love spinner' and ' Borrowed'
mmmmmmm...... yes.

Misti -
I was struck by 'fractured longing' and I thought 'The Gift' had a great end.

Kev -
'Kiss' <sigh> ohhhh....

Katherine, 'monopoly' and Jenna, 'blunt sex' <big grin>

and ZoE -
'Life is finally starting to get good' and 'run' ... I like... yes yes I do.

as for my saga... I'm giving the second man the bump... he didn't make me feel good about being me... not like Mr Red-Roses... and I'm trying to relax into the situation... letting him spoil me because HE wants to, not cause I want him to...

also as some of you will be able to tell... I've been playing with an HTML WYSIWYG genterator.. first time ever... its kinda fun.. but I'm thinking straight coding is better... even if its not as much fun...

take care of your hearts.


From: <giggling deevaa>
Date: 15 November 1999

oh and misti... we don't even have dollar bills... only coins... Americans tend to think NZ money looks like play money... one and two dollars are gold coins... then $5 notes are red, $10's blue and $20's green... they are made of this freaky plastic stuff that you can't rip, and the water mark is see-though...

From: Mike Sly (mikesly@magicmail.co.za)
Date: 15 November 1999

I have been a regular reader of this here wonderful site but I must say that I have never see anything as beautiful as the poem "Holding you as a baby" by Alan Natale.

gee guys, keep the hearts beating!!

From: ZoE
Date: 15 November 1999

Hearsong and Dee> *winks* hey girlies!!!

From: <giggling deevaa>
Date: 15 November 1999

hey ZoE girl... looking good today I must say..

From: heart Song
Date: 15 November 1999

Zoe, Baby I love your way!

Date: 16 November 1999

Toklas, you touched my heart with your "Paper Boats"..... I mean, who among here doesn't collect love letters and souvenirs? who among here still read them eventhough not much of relevance anymore to our present emotional state? Sometimes, we think of ex-lovers as dead souls but they really didn't die. Staying in love sometimes expires, but LOVE, in its real essence, doesn't.... anyway, you may not intend to express it that way, but you remind me....I loved the imagery, the sentiment, the flow....
Thanks for writing that.

From: Honey6Baby@aol.com
Date: 16 November 1999

Hey Guys,
I've been reading the poems in this site for a while but I've never gotten the guts to submit one of my own. Well, tonite was the night, I finially did. I think that it is horrible compared to ones that you have written, and besides it just popped into my head while sitting here, so I thought "this must mean something if I'm thinking about submitting a poem and one just pops into my head" So I wote it down. I hope you guys like it.


From: Shadygirl fading_shade@hotmail.com
Date: 16 November 1999


Hey girl...I got ur 'letter' with that four names thing! That is incredible, I sent mine out this morning...you are a blessing because lord knows this can definitely work!

Thank you! :-)

I owe u a letter from the previous letter and I promise to get writing as soon as I have the time!

Thanks again!

Date: 16 November 1999

Don't ever think
That I'll forget
The tender ways
Of your generous heart.

From: Toklas
Date: 16 November 1999

Trying to catch up on reading all the great stuff this month.

Thank you Kevin and Deeva for responding to "Borrowed." And Deevah, "Love Spinner" was a strange one for me, I did not even know if I wanted to submit it. Glad you liked it.

Thank you to the anonymous person who read my prose piece,
"Paper Boats." Was that you Rennie? I think it is my best
one this month. It has now been revised....

Madison: I really liked "Courtyard at Six" and "submerged" Courtyard was especially evocative. I have
a friend who is a photographer who did a pic that reminds
me of your poem.

Misti: I can related to "Woman's Stuff," especially the
first few lines. In "Radiance," I loved the line "carry
the moment around in my pocket like a touchstone."

Calypso: "Fenelon" was very touching to reread knowing
its history.

heart song: Nice to see you submitting again. I certainly can relate to "My Reckless Desire." Well done.

Guppy: I loved "a thousand words." The line that struck me was "some bark with bladed bouncing words." A line that
sticks in your mind. I also liked "present."

I am still reading.... And Kevin, I too enjoyed our textual toss, art does respond well to art! Our conversation here also inspired my last one, "It's all about the words."

From: Toklas
Date: 16 November 1999

Sorry Kirk, I made an error on "Paper Boats." The last one is correct. I have difficulty setting up the breaks for prose on here.

From: deevaa trying to be cleaver...
Date: 16 November 1999

heya heya all...
sorry about the Maori lesson to go with that last poem... the words just needed to be in there... a 'tonga' is so hard to explain, but it has a special meaning within New Zealanders, its like the name of the island that you can see from his house.. mana means a pride, in yourself, in your heritage. The island sits directly west from his house, so the sun sinks behind it every night, its amazing.

I'm thinking of finding some Maori legends and posting them here if anyone is interested, there is a great one about a wahine (woman) who swims across a river for her man.. its very romantic.

Katherine - "how dare you" I loved it!!!

Kev.. missed out 'verdict' last night.... <grin> ohhh the punishment.. and 'twice' ... <sigh>

Kate - 'write me in'

Gala - 'sneaky little sh*t' <giggle>

Kirk, like Toklas said.. sorry about all the re-submissions... I've gotta stop fiddling about with the HTML... I keep forgetting to flick the switch from plain text to HTML... that and the fact I've stuffed a few up all on my own.

I'm starving hungry and I just ate lunch.. hmmmmmm... thats not good.

take care of your hearts.


From: wondering
Date: 17 November 1999

I haven't seen anything from Crystevin lately. Anyone know what happened to him/her?

An Admirer

From: galadrial
Date: 17 November 1999

Hi Deevaa,

Trying not to choke with jealousy as I follow your exploits beneath the Southern Cross...and thank you. Not sure "Sneaky@ was really a poem---maybe just catharsis....


From: deevaa
Date: 17 November 1999

Gala -
Jealous huh? of where I live or the guy who is after me? I'm feeling very overwelmed today... I don't think I'd be jealous if I where you... or maybe I'm just selfish.


From: Misti <mnemosyne26@hotmail.com>
Date: 17 November 1999

I am in love with a man named Peter. Peter the Pisces. Thank you, Tonya, for bringing the color back into my gray heart (like Juicy Fruit gum when all the sugar is chewed out) with the pictures you sent me of my Destiny. Ha!!
***Dee, I will send you a card with clippings today. This time I will get the postage right!***************
***Guppy, I will send you some more ESP tonight while watching the meteor showers! Pay careful attention. You can't be watching TV while this happens. You can listen to music, maybe, but it has to be something exceptionally good...something conducive to ESP, like "Abbey Road" or "Beethoven's Greatest Hits." Later, dude!


From: Misti
Date: 17 November 1999

I made a mistake in *Every Perfect Gift*- I spelled "know" wrong! How humiliating. I just want everyone to "no" that I am aware of the mistake but won't be able to correct it for a few days. Bye.

From: mchristyson@yahoo.com
Date: 17 November 1999

hello everone, I hope you like my stuff. I was going through a lot lately and poetry seemed to be my only escape.I pretty new at this so please forgive my poor grammer,misspellings,etc. I dont have a chance to get on the net much ,but if you you want droo me a line on my e-mail,Id love to here some of your likes and dislikes.

From: Ken. junebug@cav.pworld.net.ph
Date: 17 November 1999

scream my vitality
to a captive audience
of zombies
and you would
fade away
like a bad sunset

i was laughing as i read your poem, which strangely iterated these nameless things i've been feeling lately. thanks for the synchronicity. : )

From: Beth (Angelbethany@aol.com)
Date: 18 November 1999

Hey everyone! Sorry it has been sooo long since i've written....like a month or 2! Yikes! I have just been through way too much hearache to speak of.....

Jlor...if you're reading this email me~!


From: Ken Castillo. junebug@cav.pworld.net.ph
Date: 18 November 1999

hey y'all.

a friend of mine has been at me for some time to get on the blender, so after getting over whatever's been keeping me from posting so far (laziness mixed in with awed intimidation) i've decided to give it a try.

i'm not a particularly proficient writer... i'm better at critique (or something i'd rather call "appreciation"), but i'm trying to change that by generating more original stuff. reading through the conversations on the board i see a lot of suggestions and comments going around, and i thought, "hey, sounds like a pretty happening place to be."

so... here i am. : )

oh, yeah. i need some input on something... would "revisiting the cliche" would sound better without the last paragraph? it kinda scatters the flow by introducing something of a different tone. what do you guys think?

From: Ken Castillo. junebug@cav.pworld.net.ph
Date: 18 November 1999

on "It's all about the words" by Toklas.

that poem brought shivers up my spine. i love it.

From: gala @galadrial60@aol.com
Date: 18 November 1999

Hey Deeva,

Jealous of your location, sweets. Have known lofty and lusty pursuits in my day...Suggest you enjoy the heady feel of the moment, take large bites of the joy, and drink in every bit of the excitement...don't spend your bliss wondering if it's real, if this is the one...you might miss something perfectly lovely.

Gala the Glorious

From: galalarial
Date: 18 November 1999

Dear Vampire---

Liked the angel piece---you ending had an extra "hmmm" to it, and was nicely structured...a comment on women, since I am one?

Look the sturdy but ethereal type. Poe liked consumptives---and they had the nasty habit of dying on him.

Sturdy---but ethereal...it's a trick---but it can be done.


From: TheVampire
Date: 18 November 1999

Dear Gala,

Thanks sooo much for the comments on my poem....I have to admit, that it was not ment to be structured in any mannor.
More written from the heart. But again, thanks.

Now your comment on searching for a sturdy but ethereal type, if there are any out there in this world....please send them my way. *smile*

From: galadrial
Date: 18 November 1999

My that was quick, my vampiric friend----

All right---I was oversimplifying---sturdy but ethereal is an acquired skill or talent---never organic. It's born of those who have endured---and still flourished. The sturdy part is always the heart---the ethereal is in the soul, I suppose. And if one flits by, I'll be sure to give a yell...

From: TheVampire
Date: 18 November 1999


Not quick...just responsive.

But are not all true romances built on an ethereal level
to begin with????? I do not believe we are born with that
capibilty but rather its a learned trait one is blessed with in time. While some people are able to acuire that heavenly
feeling of bliss, others shelter themselves from it. Thus,
thats what makes us all different.

Whats that old saying.....?????
Its better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all.

From: Misti
Date: 18 November 1999

You are most welcome.

*****Last night I had a Misti Girl adventure, one of those things that could only happen to me. I was driving to Runaway Bay to watch the meteor shower from the beach when my truck started rattling and smoke started streaming from the hood. So I turned around and as I was driving toward Bridgeport it died on me. I parked it on the shoulder and started walking. I saw a lone meteor streak across the sky as I was walking, so my trip wasn't a total waste.
I was so scared 'cause it was SO dark and there were all these trees. I thought of "The Blair Witch Project" which I have never seen and will never see because my insomnia is bad enough as is. I thought,"How ironic that I chose today of all days to wear my dog tags. Now when I die out here they'll be able to identify my corpse."
To keep myself sane I looked at the stars and sang the "Twin Peaks" song over and over again. The only words I know are,"Are we falling in love?" so it got kinda old after awhile.
I saw this black creature at one point and it was scuttling toward me from the grass on the side of the road. My heart stopped. I said,"go away" and it was still. Later on, just as I reached the first stoplight in town, a pack of dogs started barking at me and coming toward me! I'm not so sure they weren't wolves. Tears were streaming from my eyes! Then a cop asked me if I needed a ride, THANK GOD. Just in time! It was cool- I hadn't rode in the back of a cop car since I was 16.


From: galadrial
Date: 18 November 1999


As far as loving and losing are concerned, that may depend on the day, hour and minute you catch me in. If you blink around me, you will miss three emotions...however I believe heartily in love...despite my desire to char-roast Cupid this week on a slow spit....

From: TheVampire
Date: 18 November 1999

Can I lite the match for you???? We'll toast that little dude good!!!!!

From: galadrial
Date: 18 November 1999

a pentimento----

Shelter themselves from Bliss? Vam, I'm not sure that's possible! I have the most difficult time not diving head first into any emotion that comes my way---how do you shelter yourself from joy? T'is a puzzlement.

From: TheVampire
Date: 18 November 1999

I loved your new submission....kinda of a disparity from your comments on my work. See, yours talks of unpredictibilty, while your comments pointed towards a sturdy heart. Sometimes we look for things in people that we lack in ourselves....

From: galadrial
Date: 18 November 1999

Okay Vam,

Do you prefer Vlad? Consistency in all things is not required for a stout heart. I promise nothing I can't deliver...the difference is that some believe that if they promise nothing, they can never be accused of breaking your heart later...sloppy logic. I still liked the angel piece, and the river one got me again with the last line...perhaps I will call you O. Vampire. (As in O. Henry?)


P.S. Still interested in the cherub roast? I think I got the little bugger tied down well!

From: Toklas
Date: 18 November 1999

Ken, thanks for your comments on "It's all about the Words."

Ken, I also read your prose piece, seems good as it is.

Deeva, I enjoyed "Tonga." Nice to have something with different language flavours.

From: kevin urenda
Date: 18 November 1999

some running commentary...

I think that your twin pillars of sturdy and ethereal ARE almost requisite to love, but I think in my case it is my soul that is the sturdy one, and my heart the ethereal...

to the poems---->

Thank you so much for "It's all about the words." It is as if I saw a reflection of myself, for I very much have "shiver[ed] in the indifferent / quiet of the night." Must be a poetic malady.

ONLY a woman could live through that "Woman Stuff" with as much innocent aplomb as you demonstrate. An oxymoron, yes I know, but isn't LIFE a big paradoxical oxymoron itself??? That a man could ever hope to "add.. to the fullness" is a wonder to me.

The secret, yes, is to "give." Not only that, but to accept as well. Absolutely loved the image of "love one sip at a time."

That tingly feeling that you get when longing is answered is wonderful... I remembered that upon reading "A Moment Under the Moon." And that sweet desperation of not knowing what to do next is priceless... You captured that beautifully in the last stanza. Thanks for that.


From: deevaa
Date: 18 November 1999

Toklas -
Thankyou for the compliment, I've been quiet inspired by native NZ flavours this week... I'm pleased you liked it, I'm secretly pleased with that one myself.

From: Dwight; Dwight14u@hoopsmail.com
Date: 19 November 1999

Just a few about your View--------->>>>......LOVE IT!

From: Rennie Lorca
Date: 19 November 1999

Dear Toklas,

'twas not me who posted the comment on your verse about Paper Boats ... you have always impressed, entertained, and delighted me with your work; but, you have many admirers here also. Keep up the great work. Sorry that I have been gone lately and missed it until now......... Rennie

From: Madison
Date: 19 November 1999

Toklas - I think all of your poetry is awesome (thanks for coming to the Blender and sharing your work) so your comment goes a long way. Funny you mentioned photography - I had described 'Courtyard' as a watercolor, an impression more than a snapshot, to someone who's stood behind the same proverbial lens of the scene I was trying to describe. Thank you much.

From: galadrial
Date: 19 November 1999

Hi Kev---

Thanks for the feedback---but I must comment---certainly "sturdy" and "ethereal" should be cornerposts for love...only how much that "should" be ever really is?

Musing again....Gala

From: TheVampire
Date: 19 November 1999

Dwight.....Egg Shells....one word ....AWSOME!!!!
Very very good stuff!

From: galadrial
Date: 19 November 1999


affirmative...check your mail


From: Madison
Date: 19 November 1999

Misti, "Alive and Wandering" so very nice, simply profound dahhhling :) - I love it.

From: kevin urenda, sick in america
Date: 19 November 1999

If I lack in cogency, it is because my head hurts!

I think perhaps my comment yesterday sold your dichotomy between constancy (being STURDY) and spirituality (being EPHEMERAL) a little short. Of course a balance between these is difficult to achieve. But a real, lasting, deep and abiding love MUST have these elements. These would seem to be mutually exclusive, but it is possible to achieve some semblance of balance. Two people truly dedicated to one another CAN make it work, keeping the flame of passion eternal.


From: misti <mnemosyne26@hotmail.com>
Date: 19 November 1999

do you think my indomitable innocence means that I'm retarded or eternally immature or shallow? I'm guessing it means that I'm an optimist/hopeless romantic/starry eyed freak of nature. But I could be wrong. Sometimes I feel like a teenager in love. Strange, 'cause I'm 26 and I'm single. I'm in love with several different people right now. I'm in love with myself, sometimes. Usually. What did you mean when you said you couldn't imagine a man adding to my fullness? I don't think I'll be fully integrated 'til I'm in my 30's. Again, I could be wrong. Eighty could quite possibly be the magic age for me.
Thank you, dahling. You are too, too kind.

~a nut named misti

From: misti
Date: 19 November 1999

Just a tidbit, right quick. Yesterday I typed "ebullience" in the search engine and a book by Erica Jong about Henry Miller came up! Yes, Miller definitely had the "ebullience" thing downpat. He made his own rules and told the rest of the world to go to hell. My kind of man, Sports Fans.
I would like to be remembered as the female equivalent of Henry Miller.

From: badbee46@hotmail.com
Date: 19 November 1999

I have all the DTWOF books and love them, especially for reading at bedtime when I like a laugh, a political whine, a tip for tofu cooking, or any of the thousand and one things I love about them. I'm a 53 year old professional gay man and these comics speak to my heart. I have many lesbian friends (none just like the girls in these stories) and they also like to read them. Keep up the GRREAT work Alison! I'll snatch up (no pun!) anything you publish and it goes right into my private library. I lent my books to a friend and that was the longest few months I could ever imagine. Never again!

From: deevaa (deevaa@paradise.net.nz)
Date: 19 November 1999

heya all...

Beth, Jlor is away on a break right now, I think he returns early next week but may be mistaken... emailing him may be the best way.

and as for the annymous post about the where-abouts if Chris, he is currently being held hostage by duties away from his base. I know he gets close to his email every now and again...


From: deevaa (deevaa@paradise.net.nz)
Date: 19 November 1999

ummm.. dah.. that was ment to be crys not chris..

oh and forgot to say.... Kev get better soooooooonnnnn boyo. <!-------- sending huggles to you------------>

and Gala, thanks for the advice. I'm really trying to relax into it, but I do feel guilty about it all sometimes.

Today is the perfect spring day, and we have been doing the weekend justice...

last night, a BBQ on that infamous deck of his with oysters and scallops, fresh green salad and white wine..

tonight, more scallops and carpet-bagger steak on the BBQ with a few friends over...<sigh> ohhh the decidant bliss of it all!

take care of your hearts


From: Toklas
Date: 19 November 1999

Anthony Hayes, you submitted a very famous poem by William Blake, which can be found in any collection of his works. The actual title is "The Garden of Love." But when you submitted it you forgot to put on the author's name....
I am sure it was an oversight, so in case anyone did not know the author is William Blake and the poem can be found in any collection of his works. One of my favourites of Blake's I might add.

From: Toklas
Date: 19 November 1999

I am sure no one would be foolish to plagiarize famous works here.... Their are too many of us here with graduate degrees in literature who would spot it in an instant....

From: galadrial
Date: 19 November 1999

Hello Deevaa----

If you waste one drop of bliss, you will have only yourself to blame. Guilt was invented by those with no sense of humor---and they had little pleasure of it!

From: galadrial
Date: 19 November 1999

Bonsoir Kev---

You are certainly a treat sir---but I maintain that preserving the ardent flame is quite a feat. Yes, sturdy was the word---for stout hearts and spirits. Ethereal is for the touch of the soul---will-o-wisp---but searing still---


From: Crystevin@hotmail.com
Date: 20 November 1999

Wondering- I'm around, just very very preoccupied and unable to find the time to write. Dee however is correct, i do check email now and again.


Blenderites, i seldom find the time to get here but when i do i love to read your works. I see such wonderful poetry added from all of you. Seeya soon.


Ps. Note to wondering: i'm a him. *smiles*

From: misti
Date: 20 November 1999

I like *Egg Shells*...very original and well-worded.

Date: 20 November 1999

I need a poem mabout a couple who lie to each other but are

still in love ( not a Shakespeare)

From: alana morisse
Date: 21 November 1999

very nice poetry here, I am glad to have found this site. Art Dog, I like the prose revision best.

From: susan_m@Mindspring.com
Date: 21 November 1999

"If you live to be a hundred years old, I want to be one
hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you"
-Winnie the Pooh.

From: Cosette
Date: 21 November 1999

HELLO blender.....
I gotta drop by to extend thanks to our blender keeper for sinneD's piece... the FRONTPAGE is really great... i especially liked Guppy's two liner on the Top!
I miss the blender, the people and the conversation. but I dont want to take space here not contributing much on the heart on sleeve. sinneD and I have limited net access lately, much have been spent on research and study....
Yikes! I am sorry for all those anonymous commentaries i submitted this month. Toklas and Kate, that was me....its been ages since we last submitted comments/pieces and i kind of forgot how to get around.... would u believe i cant even access my ICQ because i forgot my password????
sheeeshhh.... sometimes i envy u guys for having such a vivid memory and a way of life conducive to your artistic sense but dreams are there to inspire. sinneD is a dream come true to me, and i want to dream all the rest with him. Thanks for the wonderful pieces.

From: Rennie Lorca
Date: 22 November 1999

I have shared so much with all of you at the Blender over the last few years. Here is a tad more since I am not writing verses right now........Rennie


From: deevaa [deevaa@paradise.net.nz]
Date: 22 November 1999

heya heya heya....

Cosette... you and sinneD wasting space???? I DON'T think so girl! I MISS your writing... very much. Email me if you get a chance.

Gala - "splinter" Loved it... the last stanza was great. Good for a giggle.

Artdog - "In the Park" ... yes yes yes.

Gup - babe miss ya. Thanks for the kick in the butt last night ... I needed that.

Kev - hope your feeling better.

Crys - loveyatoooooooooooo <blows kisses>

Take care of your hearts and email me if you wanna


From: t.d.buckner@worldnet.att.net
Date: 22 November 1999


I don't know who you are,
but I know I love you.
I don't know what your life means,
but I know I love you.
I don't know why I see you in him,
but I know I love you.
I do know you are human,
and I know I love you.
I also know you are something more,
and I know I love you.
I don't know why I love you,
but I know I love you.
I don't know what love is,
but I know I love you.

From: galadrial@aol.com
Date: 22 November 1999

Hey Deevaa,

Thanks for the kind words---can't seem to get irony out of my love poems this month...and they aren't written for the same souls either....

Gala the guessing

Date: 23 November 1999


Every Perfect Gift -- wow.

From: Starr star_e2keltia.zzn.com
Date: 23 November 1999

Hello, all! I have been a submittor, but a lurker to your mails. I just wanted to drop a line to say that the beautiful peices I find at this site have kept me sane, durring an insane bit of my life. I have been hopeleesly, and desperately, in love with a man I'm not entirely sure that I will ever have; and I have found words here that have helped me muddle through. I thank you all for that, and hope to be further inspired by your writing.

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Date: 23 November 1999

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Director, Strategic Alliances
The One&Only Network

From: deevaa dressed in silver...
Date: 23 November 1999

*****blowing birthday kisses******
Happy Kiwi birthday to you.
Happy Kiwi birthday to you
Happy Kiwi birthday to my dearest darling GUPPPYYYYYYYYYY
Happy Kiwi birthday toooooooooooooooooooooo youuuuuuuuuu!

<does a little birthday wiggle>

yahhoo for you.

(oh and happy birthday for the American day too!)

deevaa abirthday-kissin'

From: Jgirl @jwgirl71@goplay.com
Date: 23 November 1999

Hi everyone!
For months now I have been keeping up with the blender. I enjoy the poems and the thought's of true poet's at work. Thank you for this, and I thank all the writers for sharing. I finally created my own poem from the heart. Hope you enjoy as much as I have enjoyed yours. And I do hope to create more if the moment is right.
Thanks again!!!:)

From: deevaa
Date: 24 November 1999

here is a good myth I wish I could write, but its too complicated... http://carbon.chem.unsw.edu.au/~kiwi/nz/legend.html

From: dhenier@icon.co.za
Date: 24 November 1999

"the rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart"

Date: 24 November 1999








From: kevin urenda
Date: 24 November 1999

Happy Birthday Guppy...

Hope your day brings forth joy laughter and love, and may you have MANY HAPPY returns!


From: deevaa
Date: 24 November 1999

My baby boy starts creche today... I am sooooo proud! he sang himself to sleep last night with "TK is going to creche, TK is going to CRECHE, TK! CRECHE!!"

(no... we aren't at all excited!)

Gupp <more birthday kisses> (you are right about your new one btw.)

Kev... LOVE your two newbies.

Yahhhhooooooo sinneD is back!

and, I'm sorry about my (and I quote the Gupster) 'novel in purple' I had a wee mix up with the colour picker!.

From: Shafeen
Date: 24 November 1999

I just want to say that this is the coolest site ever. There are many talented people in here. Keep it up people and I will make it a point to visit every chance I get.

I really like heart song's poems. They are very touching. You can really describe your feelings well. You said what I feel or felt. Thanks.

Keep up the great work Kirk.

Date: 24 November 1999

awwww dee, sweet dee, thanks for the cheerful "welcome back"...

so it is (or was?) gups b-day? happy birthday man! it goes without saying, but hey..., you're good...very good.


From: Lynn ...
Date: 24 November 1999

Kevin ...

"Silk" moved me to tears.


From: galadrial@aol.com
Date: 25 November 1999

Hi Gang!

A belated happy birthday to the Guppy---and a splendid Thanksgiving to all the "state siders" Hey Kirk---when he count our blessings at dinner, I'll certainly be listing this site---and the cool folk who gather here.

Can we substitute roasted cherub for Turkey?


From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 25 November 1999

I just wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING and to let you know that my Thanksgiving will be a little better knowing there is a place like the Blender and people like all you here to share it with. So let your hearts carry warmth where ever you go.

--Happy Thanksgiving


From: kevin urenda
Date: 25 November 1999

I second Jenna's sentiment.
Happy Thanksgiving...
I am so very thankful for finding this haven on the Web, and for the friends I have made here, and the poetic cameraderie...

Thanks yet again for your humbling comments... I am pleased that my poetic voice manages to unearth some truths for someone along the way...


From: Paul Landa (Paul.Landa@dtn.ntl.com)
Date: 26 November 1999

Hi, I am new to this, but, i came on here hoping to find something i could send to my girlfriend, i did, but it also inspired me to write my own, i hope you all like it.
This is quite a cool place i know i will be coming here again :)

From: MaggieforMargaret Docstu3030@aol.com
Date: 26 November 1999

Great site. Finally got the nerve to submit one of my own a
few days ago. Hope you all like it. Pales by comparison

to some of the contributors' work but it is from the heart.


From: MaggieforMargaret (docstu3030@aol.com)
Date: 27 November 1999

Can someone please tell me if there is any way to copy and paste from MS Word onto the submissions page? I am extreemely lazi and reely need a speel chek on me werk befour I submit it. I also like useing interesting fonts, fonts that may add to the mood of a peice but can't figure out how to do that either. I noticed the use of color in some work. Can't figure that one out, either. If someone could please give me a technical assist on these questions, I would be most appreciative.

To X

You submitted a peice called I Conjure You some time ago I think. I loved the word "conjure"...it is so seldom used. I used that peice as a springboard for a peice of my own written for a long distance "thing". Do you mind if I submit it? I would be happy to email it to you and you can decide if it is far enough removed from your peice. BTW, I love ALL of your work....some of the imagery is amazing.


From: hasson2002@hotmail.com
Date: 27 November 1999

Iwill like you to send me love poems that are short and sweet and also can you send me poem that give to a girl that realy love.Make it short.I could be about a half a page long. Bye ??????????/

From: star69 (kumquat131@hotmail.com
Date: 27 November 1999

hey deevaa
too lazy to figure out yer email address from past postings..
where in nz do you live ? i'm off to nz and australia in early january for about 3 months. we've got a rather tightly scheduled program, but maybe you could give me some tips on things not to miss if i'm able?
thanks much and sorry for the non-romance related quip

From: the guppy
Date: 27 November 1999

hello noble blender people,

just a quick thanks to all for the birthday wishes...you guys are great...well, i'm in writing mode more than i'm in commenting mode...soooo...i'm gonna write...ha

bye now,

From: deevaa deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 27 November 1999

star69 -
I work right in the CBD of Wellington, the capital of NZ.

There are hundreds of things you shouldn't miss while in NZ, <grin> don't go to Aussie, theres nothing to see there... <giggling and looking to see if Riggs is looking> Email me if you'd like more specific stuff, Let me know where you are going and if we can wangle it maybe coffee in the new national musuem would be in order.

From: Madison
Date: 28 November 1999

MaggieforMargaret, re: copying from MS Word

1) from MS Word doc pull-down, choose "Edit"/"Select All"
2) right click, choose "Copy"
3) left click location at which you wish to copy MS word doc
4) right click, choose "Paste"

From: Shafeen
Date: 28 November 1999

You are too kind. I am your friend and you know I will be there for you always. The only thing that gets in our way is our distance (and maybe my lack of maturity). I thank you for the kind words and I believe every written word.
Love is something I haven't felt in a long time if ever I have felt it. My love is waiting for me somewhere in the world. I will meet him soon I know, I can feel it. All I have to do is be patient and live a full and complete life in the meantime. It's weird how your 'other half' could be your next door neighbor and you wouldn't know...
Think about it. Love comes in many forms and nothing stands in its way. You'll know when you meet your soulmate Dennis. Maybe you already have...maybe

"poetry is like a nice drink"

Date: 28 November 1999

wow! great pieces... gotta WRITE, WRITE and WRITE!!!!

if you want to copy the fonts, style of your poem encoded in Word97 and paste it to the submissions page, here's a tip: (Im sure Kevin knows it too!)
- save it as a HTML document (click on "File" menu, then "Save as HTML". Word may warn you about losing some formats but ignore the warning and click on "Yes")
- click on "View" menu, then on "HTML Source"
- you would see the actual HTML source. Highlight the portion starting with <BODY> til </BODY>, then right click to copy HTML source.
- then go to the submissions page, then right click to paste it on the submission form. Be sure to choose "pre-formatted HTML"
Good Luck!


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 28 November 1999

Don't include the <BODY> tags in that however.
Make sure you select "pre-formatted HTML"
And don't go *too* crazy with funky formatting. I always think plain text is best- the simple cut and paste (without going to save as HTML/"view source"). I've heard rumors that saving the phrase "Hello, World" as HTML in Word2000 generates 3 pages of HTML, but I haven't tested that out myself.

From: kevin urenda, kluless70@hotmail.com
Date: 29 November 1999

(wow! we are commenting on composition, not just WRITING!!)

I agree with Kirk
I don't go for funky formatting, preferring instead to let the font go to the browser default (I like MS Trebuchet, which is downloadable for free, if you don't have it). I do most of my "composing" in Netscape, truthfully, as the MS HTML encoding (up until the Office 2000 package, anyway) was NOT ISO standard... I do cut and paste the source code (minus the title, as Kirk's cgi script puts that on) after composition... I know, I am lazy, but the emphasis with me is on the CONTENT...


From: MaggieforMargaret (docstu3030@aol.com)
Date: 29 November 1999

Thanks to all of you who gave me tech. assistance with the cut and paste and fonts. Poets and other creative types are SUCH nice people.


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 29 November 1999

This is a test, there have been some reports of comments and new submissions not working.

From: SwtLiz @yahoo.com
Date: 29 November 1999

What can I say but one word to sum up this Site..

I find myself logging on Morning, noon, and nite. Just to review the most recent new submissions.. Love the different styles this site seems to pull in.. (Different Styles yet one theme...) Writing from within and letting the thoughts flow out onto the screen..( paper) HAve not found one poem that didn't move me one way or another.. Thank you again for having a site that one can come and feel normal and not alone..... :)

From: perky deevaa.... [deevaa@paradise.net.nz]
Date: 29 November 1999

Watch out world, I'm feeling perky today, and I've not even had my second cup of coffee... <grin> this can only mean trouble....

guppy bay-beeeeeee
me = liking fandango express. <cheekie giggle> sup sexy?

What is the translation ofr 'no me olvidare de ti'? (I liked the poem, and just wondered if that'd make it more complete.)

<grin> you = sweetheart.
How is the sinneD and Cosette page coming along? May I see it when it is done? and I can't waittttttttt........

deevaa = feeling dangerous.... I'm gonna find a man to flirt with.... <puts on her wigglin' hips>


From: Misti
Date: 29 November 1999

I don't feel perky or flirtatious or sexy today. I feel...eh. I feel like complimenting the hell outta Guppy 'cause his poems, are like, you know...so righteous and right on and accessible and witty and smart and lyrical and mesmerizin'.
***I finally broke down and watched "The Blair Witch Project" over the holidays 'cause I was bored off my ass. I will never sleep again.

From: Calypso createld@hotmail
Date: 29 November 1999

Deeva, no me olvidaré de ti, means I won't forget you, in Spanish. Love your poems by the way.

From: sinneD (sinned@digitelone.com)
Date: 29 November 1999

well dee, the cosette and sinned homepage would have to wait a little longer, for as long as the time it will take us to cut these MMMIIIILLLLEEESSSS between us. i could come up with one and she really could too, but there are this conflicts of designs and stuffs like that, and we figured it would be easier if we do it together, as in i can physically restrain her from doing what i dont particularly like, and she can yank the mouse from me if im going a little too far...hehehe. it'll be much easier that way, dont ya think?

cos, i miss ya babes...

From: an Admirer
Date: 30 November 1999

You must submit more often!
Your pieces (though few and far between) are divine.
You keep me waiting too long.

From: RGMOMMY125
Date: 30 November 1999


From: Shadygirl fading_shade@hotmail.com
Date: 30 November 1999

Misti - WOW! I just read Reprise...(Yeah, I'm a bit behind) but I have to say it made my head spin...girl, u will never cease to amaze me. Reading it LITERALLY made me dizzy and nauseous...it was really great! You know how I love all that pure raw anger and honesty and emotion. :-)

(Hi everyone! :-)

From: MaggieforMargaret (docstu3030@aol.com)
Date: 30 November 1999


Thanks for submitting "Finding Her Here". It says exactly how I feel about ME at 36 years old. It is one of those that you read and just say "God, I wish I had written that". I submitted one along the same vein called "Reclaiming". These two peices together say exactly where I am in my little journey of self-discovery. Thanks.


From: perky girl (aka deevaa)
Date: 30 November 1999

Shady girl.... Happy New Zealand birthday day!!!!

Calypso.. "I won't forget you" <smiles> thats sweet... thankyou for translating... perfect touch!

Jenna... loved 'his touch'.

Guppy... I hope the 'mermaid combo' is to your liking... let me know.

sinneD... you could never be a nobody! <grin> I've got the perfect design for the sinneD and Cosette web page... a big beating heart with the word 'sinneD' on one side and 'cosette' on the other... (and babes... I miss you to!)

star69... 'dangerous eyes' .... mmmmmm.....

Kev... 'a lover' and 'turgid' <deep sigh>

and who-ever wrote 'kissed goodbye' (I can't even read my own notes) ... nice cyber-illusions... but OUCH!

<!----deevaa wiggles out stage left------->

[MAIL] Comments or Material that you want to see in the Blender of Love?
[BLENDER]December Blender Digest