By ZoE
Date: 4 November 1999

Rita's Essence

On  gloomy days I was her own savior 
Rita would tie me up in her hair bow

that is when she needed me I cared
and I would read her sweet faerie tales

but we were both scared of the night light
it spun wildly with dancing clowns and fright,

her father’s scharades leaving her hurt 
but mostly bruised and scared of men

calling me mother as I was her own
and the closest thing to one in her life

but I certainly didn’t want to be
that to anyone because I was too young

well see I didn’t have much of a choice
refuge under my covers she was free

and resented me for having a mom
I could not intirely be her mother

all that night when the stars were hers to keep
I learned what it meant to really share

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