By The Guppy
Date: 6 November 1999


i am awakened, lain tied up in your trappings
cuffed in with velvet bonds
waiting for the sweet beyond of your ravaging unwrapping
i am rapt
silken ashes falling softly on my chest
cascading off, fading from the fire of your breast
i am alive
you are a rapturous captor
a daring devilish distractor
with daggers at your fingertips digging sofly in my skin
tracing silhouettes of sin
as your shroud, dark and fragrant, pins me down
cuts off my view and presses me back
a fuming contact
lip to lip 
passion pushing interjecting nibbles on your neck
steaming hips in swirling motion
pearly flashing fangs finding flesh beneath my ear
scalding vapor pulsing through the air
muffled screams and tangled hair
straining, muscles clenching
clasping glancing blows
curled toes on satin, black and drenched
quenched with esoteric tide
drippings of inferno and finnally falling to my side
to retrace bruises and giggle at the glow
loose my hands from bindings sewn
and glue them to your own
sweetly kiss your glistening form
and watch you drift to dreaming

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