By Mara Lee Elddy
Date: 30 November 1999
Machiavelli, Giacomo, my 'spontaneous' Italian muse,
With you I thought I had none to lose
But the cyclones have encircled me
and 'a valley of tears' - Oh, Mara, let them be!
Leaving and staying, saying and swaying
Reason, night, stars and illogic- and yet a piece (peace?).
'With you or without you' - in time and 'out of time'
and no faith, and certainly no rhyme.
We tred on a non-existent line.
I am known and unknown at best,
it is easier for me to consider this in jest.
It is, as Sempe says, simply 'Nothing' - to fling
all that is and is not is all: 'Everything'.
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