By kevin urenda
Date: 29 November 1999

a lover

a lover A lover is not
an emotional makeover
that can be removed
if you don't like the shade
or the problem of the day
or the general undertone
A lover is someone who
becomes one with you
commingled energy
not just matching heat
between the sheets
total involvement
not just pillow talk
or verbal manipulation
so much more than just the happiness
but every single possible
color of the emotional spectrum
shared with
a person with whom
every glance
and every thought behind it
indeed every moment spent alive
not just in their proximity
or even in the gravitational field
of their emotions
is filled not just with
that ache of familiarity
and of longing, but also
with the realization that this person,
this other person
is an integral part of who I am
of who I was meant to be
of who I always wanted to become


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