By sarah
Date: 23 November 1999
white paint
i sat in the middle
covererd in paint
white gripping paint
hanging onto my hair and hands
and my hair spouting off
in every direction
my cheek with one small
speck of white paint
clinging to my cheek and
dimpling when i smiled
laughing crazily while dipping
my hand in paint then grabbing
my own breast so i could have
a hand print on it....i wanted
that to be your hand touching me
leaving its white seering mark on me
i wanted it to be you clinging
to me with such tenacity when the lonely
night was streaming through my window
with the new apartment feel my new life
and you are somehow part of this
new the twists and turns
and i want to hug you and share these
new things with you and wonder
if you saw the moonrising over lake
michigan yesterday, if you could see
the ladies features in the moon and if
you look for me as i look for you in
those questioning nights.
or do you just sit there alone waiting for you
to come to me....
your starting to wonder about me
and your starting to trust me and to grow
with me....but when, when will you want
to hold me??
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