By Dwight
Date: 9 November 1999
Sweet As Caramel Popcorn
Popcorn??? Lots of butter and salt, that's the way I like it.
MMmmmmm. Popcorn??? No butter,no salt! That's the way she likes it
Fast Dance??? Janet Jackson! (Lots of butter and salt)
That's the way I like it
MMmmmmm. Slow Dance??? Celine Dion. ( no butter or salt)
That's the way she likes it
Movies??? Action! Jackie Chan; Rush Hour! (Lots of butter and salt)
That's the way I like it
MMmmmmm. Romance; Titanic, Leonardo DeCapra (no butter or salt)
That's the way she likes it
We may be opposite when it comes to popcorn, songs, dance, and even movies...
There's one thing we agree on...Our friendship is as Sweet As Caramel Popcorn!!!
We are STICKING together no matter what comes our way!
Thanks To My Iowa Girl...Friend :)
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