By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 11 November 1999


******i spoke impossible words with you**********
  ****and you spoke back and impressed me*****
     *****like no one else*********
       ****you bested me with perspicacity*****
          ****that was the weekend we almost broke up********
              ********but didn't***********
               *******because I didn't want to*******
                 ***I redeemed myself*******
                  ****by giving you a love offering*****
                    *****as you drove down 35********
                         *****in bumper to bumper traffic***
      and then i ate a Snicker's bar
           and you almost loved me
               because I was wild and honest and fearless and happy
                         to be with you got mad at me at Sea World, though, because I
  accidentally locked your backpack in the locker after you
                        had returned the key
    and you wouldn't smile at me but you smiled at Paul
            and later on you called me Honeybunch
               or something stupid like that
               and I told you to go to Hell
        and as we walked to the shark tank you talked to yourself
              and I felt sorry for you
           because you seemed as weird as me.

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