By Dwight
Date: 14 November 1999


The game is almost over and we are down by two points
If we could have started the game knowing the score... 
With only 3 seconds to go, it would make this so much simpler.
We could have drawn up a quick play to win the game...
Alas, like basketball, love is the same way.

We have to play the whole game 100% ready, or fear of losing the "ball" off a turnover
Or even worse...A steal.  I lost a love once from a steal and it saddened me.
I gave up on the whole game , instead of regaining my poise and playing harder
I fell flat on my face and cried while others stood around and watched.  
No one helped me back on my feet to play again, I had to reach out to other players for self confidence
As I regained my strength, I fought my way back , but only to have my love blocked out of bounds...
By someone better, bigger, and stronger.  As I looked deep into his eyes
I wanted to match up to him "man to man" and fight for my love.
Instead I fell into a "full court trap" He took away any "posession" I may have had.

When you fall in love, SLAM DUNK any and every chance you get!  Make a statement for your
ever lasting love each day.  Make sure she understands the rules of the game of love.
If she doesn't, be sure to call TIMEOUT and go over your love of the "game" with her
Don't get caught at the end of the game with no TIMEOUTS and falling flat on your face!
Show her how much you care about the "LOVE OF THE GAME" and be a winner when it comes to LOVE...
Show her your passion for the "game" and your love for her!


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