By Broken<3
Date: 14 January 1999

Raisins in My cereal

The raisins in my cereal swim gracefully across the bowl.
I smile as they collide against each other and think of the time
when our paths crossed.
Two innocent people, not knowing where or when love will 
pierce and even break their hearts.
So afraid yet so willing to continue, we float along, holding on.
I held on to you, in fear of drowning, yet it’s as if I didn’t 
hold on tight enough.
So I reached back out and called your name..
It’s seems as though we’re not destined to brave these rough waters 
together, for every time you reach for me, I seem to be swimming away, and each time I cry for you, you seem to be racing towards someone else.
I wish for the day when we either hold on together, or let go at the 
same time.
The raisins sink to the bottom of the bowl, a steady stream of water 
drowning each and every one of them.
My head clears and I realize it isn’t water that’s causing this deluge.
I realized that my own tears were drowning the raisins in my cereal.

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