By Sierra
Date: 10 December 1998

Two Poems of innocence and love

The Innocence

The innocence of a kiss and the hand,
  the caress of my cheek,
  the looke in your eyes.
The innocence of an unbroken heart,
  a brilliant mind,
  and a young trusting soul.
The innocence of a boy who has seen 
  it all but simply closed his eyes.
The innocence of you.

Your Heart

I can heart your heart beat inside your chest.
The sound permiates your soft pale skin and
echos in my ear that has been pressed close to you.
I look up and see yourface swept with moonlight,
your eyes glowing like a childs.
I can feel myself blush against the moonlit sky as I 
realize you can sense what Im feeling and you feel it too.
No words can express it only the rythmic beatings of your 
heart in the caven of you chest.

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